Der Forte bekommt OS 2.0, unter anderem mit User Samples (3,4GB).
Wenn ich dran denke, wie der Forte vor einem Jahr ausgeschaut hat, kann ich Kurzweil nur danken!
Version 2.00 Release Notes
WARNING: Objects created with Forte 2.00 are NOT compatible with previous versions of Forte. Of course, Forte 2.0 and later will read programs created with previous OSs.
SAMPLE LOADING - Now you can load up to 3.375 GB of user samples into your Forte. WAVE and AIFF files can be loaded (8 or 16 bit, up to 96K sample rate). P3K, KRZ, K25, and K26 files with samples can be loaded. For example, see the Synthscapes and Take 6 libraries for PC3K available at kurzweil.com/product/pc3k8/downloads. User samples remain in memory across power cycles. Note: When transferring files to and from the Forte via the USB Computer Port, the maximum size of files that can be transferred is approximately 20 MB. This is suitable for most, non-sample, objects. For transferring audio sample files, use the USB Storage Port with a USB mass storage device such as a "thumb drive." When using the USB Storage Port to transfer files, the file size that can be transferred is limited only by the size of the USB mass storage device, and the Forte's available object and sample memory.
LOAD - The object Load function has a new feature "Fill from ID". When the User Type parameter on the Global Mode Main page is set to Advanced, pressing the Storage Mode Load "Fill" soft button will show the "Fill from ID" dialog. When you select a saved object file to load, "Fill from ID" allows you to choose the ID number at which you would like to begin loading objects. This allows you to load user objects to specific IDs, instead of always loading to the unused IDs starting at ID 1024. Fill from ID also shows a visual map of the used/unused object ID space, which is useful for finding unused ID ranges so that objects are loaded to adjacent IDs.
LOAD - Multiple object selection: The Storage Load page now has a Select soft button which can be used to select and load multiple objects in the list at the same time.
STORE ADVANCED - Browse Objects by Type: A new "Type" soft button has been added, which allows you to jump to the next different type of object in the list.
LOAD & STORE - Improved speed of scrolling through the file/object list.
LOAD / OPEN - Now loads only the selected objects and other storage mode bugs
LOAD - Fixed an issue where user Per Key Velocity Maps could be loaded to the wrong ID.
EDIT / AUDIO IN - Press the AUDIO IN soft button to access the Audio Input page. The Audio Input page allows you to choose an FX Chain to apply to the rear panel 1/8" (3.5mm) input signal, and enable or disable the use of any existing FX Mods in the selected Chain. Each Multi can be saved with it's own Audio Input settings, or be set to use the Audio Input settings set in Global Mode.
EDIT / FX - New FX algorithms: Spectral 4-Tap and Spectral 6-Tap with five FX box presets (IDs 176 and 178-181). These effects consist of a feedback delay loop with multiple output taps that can be set to tempo-based times. The feedback path contains a LPF, HPF, and a diffuser. The first tap has a shaper, and the other 3-5 taps each have a shaper plus a comb filter.
EDIT / FX - Aux FX now remain loaded when possible when switching from Multi to Multi. Previously Aux FX would always become muted when switching from Multi to Multi.
EDIT / MAIN - When the Global Mode User Type parameter is set to Advanced, a new parameter "Input Channel" is accessible. The Input Channel allows remapping of incoming MIDI data through specified zones. Here's how it works:
In Multi mode, an external MIDI device (such as a keyboard or sequencer) will play notes of a single program by default (if the Global mode Local Keyboard Channel parameter is set to off, see page 12-16 of the Forte Musician's Guide for details.) The played program will be on a Zone that has a Channel parameter (on the MAIN page) which matches the channel on which the external MIDI device is transmitting. (If no Zone's Channel parameter matches, the external device will play notes of the last program that was using that channel in Program Mode or from a previously loaded Multi.)
When the Program of a Multi Zone is played from an external MIDI device, Multi MIDI parameters (most noticeably key range and transposition) will not be applied. If you want these parameters applied, set the Input Channel parameter to match the channel on which the external MIDI device is transmitting. See the Input Channel Settings section below for details on setting an Input Channel. (To play the entire Multi from an external MIDI device, see Local Keyboard Channel (Local Kbd Chan) on page 12-16.) When Local Keyboard Channel is set to something other than Off, the Input Channel parameter has no effect and will appear in parentheses.
Input Channel basically has the same effect as Local Keyboard Channel, except you can choose to play only one or some Multi Zones from an external device, instead of all Zones. To play more than one Zone from an external device, set each desired Zone's Input Channel parameter to match the channel on which the external MIDI device is transmitting.
Input Channel Settings
When setting a MIDI channel number for the Input Channel parameter, channel 1 for example, you can choose "1 L+M" or "1 M" (scroll past "16 L+M" to see all the choices.) A channel number with a setting of "L+M" indicates that the zone will be playable from the Forte keyboard (L for Local) and from the external MIDI controller (M for MIDI.) A channel number with a setting of "M" indicates that the zone will be playable only from the external MIDI controller, and not from the Forte keyboard. You can also choose "Any L+M" or "Any M" for the Input Channel setting. "Any L+M" and "Any M" will make the zone receive MIDI on any channel that an external device is transmitting. This is useful if you are using a single external MIDI controller and are not sure which channel it is transmitting on.
Fixed an issue where scrolling through Multis could cause the system to crash.
Fixed a problem that could cause changes to be lost when canceling the import of a Multi Zone.
Fixed a problem that could cause the Multi editor to show the "All Zones" indicator for parameters that only apply to one Zone.
Fixed a problem in the Multi Editor that could prevent the keypad from working for renaming Arp Presets.
Fixed a problem where deleting a Multi could cause the system to crash.
EDIT / FX - (FX Chain editor) New FX algorithms: Spectral 4-Tap and Spectral 6-Tap with five FX box presets (IDs 176 and 178-181). These effects consist of a feedback delay loop with multiple output taps that can be set to tempo-based times. The feedback path contains a LPF, HPF, and a diffuser. The first tap has a shaper, and the other 3-5 taps each have a shaper plus a comb filter.
Improved FX transitions between programs. Now you can have smoother transitions between programs even if both programs use both aux FXs. Keep the total number of FX units in each program under 15 for this to happen.
EDIT / COMMON - Numeric entry working now in Intonation Table Editor.
Fixed a problem that could cause the Global Tempo to revert to a previously set Global Tempo when selecting a Program.
AUDIO IN - Audio Input FX: The previous 'Audio Input' parameter has been removed from the Global Mode Main 1 page, and replaced by the new Audio Input page. Press the AUDIO IN soft button to
access the Audio Input page. The Audio Input page allows you to adjust the input gain of the rear panel 1/8" (3.5mm) input using the "Level" parameter. Now you can also choose an FX Chain to apply to the input signal, and enable or disable the use of any existing FX Mods in the selected Chain.
MAIN / Sound Sel - ('Surf-n-Select') When the User Type parameter on the Global Mode Main page is set to Advanced, the Sound Selection parameter appears. The "Category Buttons" setting allows you to select Programs and Multis normally. The "Enter Button" setting allows you to scroll through the Program or Multi list without immediately loading the selected Program or Multi. This allows you to find the next Program or Multi to load without interrupting the Program or Multi that is currently being played. When scrolling through the Program or Multi list, Programs and Multis will appear with their names in parenthesis to indicate that they have not been loaded. Press the Enter button to load the currently selected Program or Multi. When switching to Program or Multi mode (either by using the Mode buttons or Favorites) the current Program or Multi will be loaded automatically.
SAMPLES / PREVIEW - Sample Preview functionality to create a basic Keymap and Program directly from any User or Factory sample in memory for easy sample audition.
SAMPLES - Sample page shows current free space in the user sample area.
DELETE - Multiple Object Selection: A new "Select" soft button has been added. Multiple objects can now be selected and deleted at the same time.
DELETE - Browse Objects by Type: A new "Type" soft button has been added, which allows you to jump to the next different type of object in the list.
MAIN 1 - Fixed a problem where the "Program Tempo" parameter would not appear immediately when selecting Advanced User Type.
MAIN 2 - Numeric entry working now in Intonation Table Editor.
DELETE - Fixed a problem where Program and Multi 1024 were not being displayed.
DELETE - Improved speed of scrolling through the object list.
DELETE - Delete processing time is now much faster.
Increased User ID space: User objects can now be saved to IDs 1024 through 4095 (previous range was 1024 through 2047). Note that some factory objects are also stored in this range (Chains, Samples and Keymaps).
The Storage Active LED now lights up whenever writing to the internal system memory (in addition to when writing to or reading from USB devices). For example, the Storage Active LED now lights up when saving objects such as Programs, Multis or Global Mode settings (when exiting Global Mode) to indicate that the Forte should not be powered off while writing to system memory, as this can cause data corruption.
Fixed a problem where the keypad "DELETE", "INSERT" and "SYMBOL" buttons did not work in some text fields.
Fixed an issue where quickly pressing Favorites buttons could cause problems with controllers.
Various minor bug fixes.

Wenn ich dran denke, wie der Forte vor einem Jahr ausgeschaut hat, kann ich Kurzweil nur danken!
Version 2.00 Release Notes
WARNING: Objects created with Forte 2.00 are NOT compatible with previous versions of Forte. Of course, Forte 2.0 and later will read programs created with previous OSs.
SAMPLE LOADING - Now you can load up to 3.375 GB of user samples into your Forte. WAVE and AIFF files can be loaded (8 or 16 bit, up to 96K sample rate). P3K, KRZ, K25, and K26 files with samples can be loaded. For example, see the Synthscapes and Take 6 libraries for PC3K available at kurzweil.com/product/pc3k8/downloads. User samples remain in memory across power cycles. Note: When transferring files to and from the Forte via the USB Computer Port, the maximum size of files that can be transferred is approximately 20 MB. This is suitable for most, non-sample, objects. For transferring audio sample files, use the USB Storage Port with a USB mass storage device such as a "thumb drive." When using the USB Storage Port to transfer files, the file size that can be transferred is limited only by the size of the USB mass storage device, and the Forte's available object and sample memory.
LOAD - The object Load function has a new feature "Fill from ID". When the User Type parameter on the Global Mode Main page is set to Advanced, pressing the Storage Mode Load "Fill" soft button will show the "Fill from ID" dialog. When you select a saved object file to load, "Fill from ID" allows you to choose the ID number at which you would like to begin loading objects. This allows you to load user objects to specific IDs, instead of always loading to the unused IDs starting at ID 1024. Fill from ID also shows a visual map of the used/unused object ID space, which is useful for finding unused ID ranges so that objects are loaded to adjacent IDs.
LOAD - Multiple object selection: The Storage Load page now has a Select soft button which can be used to select and load multiple objects in the list at the same time.
STORE ADVANCED - Browse Objects by Type: A new "Type" soft button has been added, which allows you to jump to the next different type of object in the list.
LOAD & STORE - Improved speed of scrolling through the file/object list.
LOAD / OPEN - Now loads only the selected objects and other storage mode bugs
LOAD - Fixed an issue where user Per Key Velocity Maps could be loaded to the wrong ID.
EDIT / AUDIO IN - Press the AUDIO IN soft button to access the Audio Input page. The Audio Input page allows you to choose an FX Chain to apply to the rear panel 1/8" (3.5mm) input signal, and enable or disable the use of any existing FX Mods in the selected Chain. Each Multi can be saved with it's own Audio Input settings, or be set to use the Audio Input settings set in Global Mode.
EDIT / FX - New FX algorithms: Spectral 4-Tap and Spectral 6-Tap with five FX box presets (IDs 176 and 178-181). These effects consist of a feedback delay loop with multiple output taps that can be set to tempo-based times. The feedback path contains a LPF, HPF, and a diffuser. The first tap has a shaper, and the other 3-5 taps each have a shaper plus a comb filter.
EDIT / FX - Aux FX now remain loaded when possible when switching from Multi to Multi. Previously Aux FX would always become muted when switching from Multi to Multi.
EDIT / MAIN - When the Global Mode User Type parameter is set to Advanced, a new parameter "Input Channel" is accessible. The Input Channel allows remapping of incoming MIDI data through specified zones. Here's how it works:
In Multi mode, an external MIDI device (such as a keyboard or sequencer) will play notes of a single program by default (if the Global mode Local Keyboard Channel parameter is set to off, see page 12-16 of the Forte Musician's Guide for details.) The played program will be on a Zone that has a Channel parameter (on the MAIN page) which matches the channel on which the external MIDI device is transmitting. (If no Zone's Channel parameter matches, the external device will play notes of the last program that was using that channel in Program Mode or from a previously loaded Multi.)
When the Program of a Multi Zone is played from an external MIDI device, Multi MIDI parameters (most noticeably key range and transposition) will not be applied. If you want these parameters applied, set the Input Channel parameter to match the channel on which the external MIDI device is transmitting. See the Input Channel Settings section below for details on setting an Input Channel. (To play the entire Multi from an external MIDI device, see Local Keyboard Channel (Local Kbd Chan) on page 12-16.) When Local Keyboard Channel is set to something other than Off, the Input Channel parameter has no effect and will appear in parentheses.
Input Channel basically has the same effect as Local Keyboard Channel, except you can choose to play only one or some Multi Zones from an external device, instead of all Zones. To play more than one Zone from an external device, set each desired Zone's Input Channel parameter to match the channel on which the external MIDI device is transmitting.
Input Channel Settings
When setting a MIDI channel number for the Input Channel parameter, channel 1 for example, you can choose "1 L+M" or "1 M" (scroll past "16 L+M" to see all the choices.) A channel number with a setting of "L+M" indicates that the zone will be playable from the Forte keyboard (L for Local) and from the external MIDI controller (M for MIDI.) A channel number with a setting of "M" indicates that the zone will be playable only from the external MIDI controller, and not from the Forte keyboard. You can also choose "Any L+M" or "Any M" for the Input Channel setting. "Any L+M" and "Any M" will make the zone receive MIDI on any channel that an external device is transmitting. This is useful if you are using a single external MIDI controller and are not sure which channel it is transmitting on.
Fixed an issue where scrolling through Multis could cause the system to crash.
Fixed a problem that could cause changes to be lost when canceling the import of a Multi Zone.
Fixed a problem that could cause the Multi editor to show the "All Zones" indicator for parameters that only apply to one Zone.
Fixed a problem in the Multi Editor that could prevent the keypad from working for renaming Arp Presets.
Fixed a problem where deleting a Multi could cause the system to crash.
EDIT / FX - (FX Chain editor) New FX algorithms: Spectral 4-Tap and Spectral 6-Tap with five FX box presets (IDs 176 and 178-181). These effects consist of a feedback delay loop with multiple output taps that can be set to tempo-based times. The feedback path contains a LPF, HPF, and a diffuser. The first tap has a shaper, and the other 3-5 taps each have a shaper plus a comb filter.
Improved FX transitions between programs. Now you can have smoother transitions between programs even if both programs use both aux FXs. Keep the total number of FX units in each program under 15 for this to happen.
EDIT / COMMON - Numeric entry working now in Intonation Table Editor.
Fixed a problem that could cause the Global Tempo to revert to a previously set Global Tempo when selecting a Program.
AUDIO IN - Audio Input FX: The previous 'Audio Input' parameter has been removed from the Global Mode Main 1 page, and replaced by the new Audio Input page. Press the AUDIO IN soft button to
access the Audio Input page. The Audio Input page allows you to adjust the input gain of the rear panel 1/8" (3.5mm) input using the "Level" parameter. Now you can also choose an FX Chain to apply to the input signal, and enable or disable the use of any existing FX Mods in the selected Chain.
MAIN / Sound Sel - ('Surf-n-Select') When the User Type parameter on the Global Mode Main page is set to Advanced, the Sound Selection parameter appears. The "Category Buttons" setting allows you to select Programs and Multis normally. The "Enter Button" setting allows you to scroll through the Program or Multi list without immediately loading the selected Program or Multi. This allows you to find the next Program or Multi to load without interrupting the Program or Multi that is currently being played. When scrolling through the Program or Multi list, Programs and Multis will appear with their names in parenthesis to indicate that they have not been loaded. Press the Enter button to load the currently selected Program or Multi. When switching to Program or Multi mode (either by using the Mode buttons or Favorites) the current Program or Multi will be loaded automatically.
SAMPLES / PREVIEW - Sample Preview functionality to create a basic Keymap and Program directly from any User or Factory sample in memory for easy sample audition.
SAMPLES - Sample page shows current free space in the user sample area.
DELETE - Multiple Object Selection: A new "Select" soft button has been added. Multiple objects can now be selected and deleted at the same time.
DELETE - Browse Objects by Type: A new "Type" soft button has been added, which allows you to jump to the next different type of object in the list.
MAIN 1 - Fixed a problem where the "Program Tempo" parameter would not appear immediately when selecting Advanced User Type.
MAIN 2 - Numeric entry working now in Intonation Table Editor.
DELETE - Fixed a problem where Program and Multi 1024 were not being displayed.
DELETE - Improved speed of scrolling through the object list.
DELETE - Delete processing time is now much faster.
Increased User ID space: User objects can now be saved to IDs 1024 through 4095 (previous range was 1024 through 2047). Note that some factory objects are also stored in this range (Chains, Samples and Keymaps).
The Storage Active LED now lights up whenever writing to the internal system memory (in addition to when writing to or reading from USB devices). For example, the Storage Active LED now lights up when saving objects such as Programs, Multis or Global Mode settings (when exiting Global Mode) to indicate that the Forte should not be powered off while writing to system memory, as this can cause data corruption.
Fixed a problem where the keypad "DELETE", "INSERT" and "SYMBOL" buttons did not work in some text fields.
Fixed an issue where quickly pressing Favorites buttons could cause problems with controllers.
Various minor bug fixes.