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Synthese / Synthesis = to put together = zusammensetzen
Synthesizers uses the method Synthesis to generate sounds. Synthesizer nutzen Synthese, um Klänge zu erzeugen.
Einige Beispiele / Examples:
* Phase Distortion (Phasenverzerrung / Phasenmodulation) * Physical Modeling (Physical Modelling) * Waveguide synthesis * Wavetable synthese die die Transwave Methode, die eigentlich eine clevere Nutzung von Sample und vorallem LOOPING dieser Samples auf Microebene ist. * FM synthese * Crossmodulation / (oszillatorbasiert)=Kreuzmodulation * Waveshaping * Karplus strong * Granular / graintable / Timeslice - synthese Variphrase etc,, * Resynthese * Neuronal synthese neuronale netze * Wavesequencing (Wavestation) * Vector synthese * Sampler / sampling - ("Rompler") - PCM * Additive synthese * Subtractive synthese (die meistverbreiteste Synthese) * Modular: keine synthese sondern eine Synthesizerstruktur / Bauform, jedoch offen ..
Synthese Grundlagen [1]
Method to generate a sound / noise - synthesis works on the basis of arranging modules or components with simple musical functions like Oscillator, Filter, Amplifier etc.
- -> see Synthese
- -> Sound_Synthesis
* Phase Distortion (Phasenmodulation) * Physical Modeling (Physical Modelling) * Waveguide synthesis * Wavetable synthesis, or the Transwave method which is more like a very clever use of sampling * FM synthesis * Crossmodulation / (oszillator based) * Waveshaping * Karplus strong * Granular / graintable / Timeslice - synthesis Variphrase etc. * Resynthese * Neuronal synthesis neuronale netze * Wavesequencing (Wavestation) * Vector synthesis * Sampler / sampling - ("Rompler") - PCM * Additive synthesis * Subtractive synthesis (the most common synthesis) * Modular: not really a synthesis method but a structure of synths allowing lots of synthesis methods / open
Synthesis [2]