Re: $40,000 übrig? Nimm eienn Holland SM2000
Irgendwie erinnert mich das Ding an die ganz frühen Theis-Systeme, bevor sie Theis-Systeme wurden.
Oder an Methadon-Kalles ARCHIE. Oder irgendwelche amerikanischen Bastelteile aus den 1970ern.
Egal, hippe Hipster kaufen jetzt kein Buchla mehr, sondern Holland.
Why are Holland Synthesizer products so expensive?
Unfortunately, there are many factors that contribute to this. Up until recently, all of our projects were "One of a Kind", which means all of the development costs are rolled into the first unit. Secondly, all of our products are hand made, and built to rigorous aerospace quality guidelines, which is reflected in our product reliability. When you are not using mass production, costs go up dramatically. And lastly, we use very expensive components. We select each component to be the absolute best performing component, based on sound quality and reliability, without regard to price. This is one of the reasons we have audibly superior products. Let me use our SM2000 synthesizer modules as a concrete example. All of our modules have front panels that are machined, powder coated, engraved and filled with colored ink. Other manufacturers might pay $3.00 for a front panel where one of ours costs us $300.00. After 10 years of wear, ours still look the same. We also use brass collet knobs, Bourns pots, and Switchcraft jacks. Our competitors might pay 49 cents for a pot and knob, where our cost is $11.00. Multiply that by a hundred, and you see what happens.