We shout (Disco High-Energy old school)


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Queen of the discotheque
the captain on the quarterdeck
her emotions do blast like a bodyckeck
Learn and watch her dance
the girl's romancing
she knows what this is all about

Baby gotta let it all hang out
you are blessed to serve a crowd
and this is why ...

We shout and we cheer for the lady
oh here she comes in the spotlight
la-la-la all over the radio
Tonight is the night
we dance through the night
and she makes us feel allright

Girl of the wilderness
a predatory cat she is
falls upon you and bites with a lethal kiss
She sets our hearts on fire
with love desire
self-confident and full of pride

Baby gotta let it all hang out
You are blessed to serve a crowd
and this is why ...

We shout and we cheer for the lady
oh here she comes in the spotlight
la-la-la all over the radio
Tonight is the night
We dance through the night
And she makes us feel allright

She hits like a bird of prey
She strikes like a hurricane

Baby gotta let it all hang out
You are blessed to serve a crowd
and this is why ...

We shout for the la-la-la-la lady
oh here she comes in the spotlight
la-la-la all over the radio
Tonight is the night
we dance through the night
tonight is the night
we dance through the night
and she makes us feel right
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