Darauf habe ich schon sooo lange gewartet. So viele wichtige alte Song-Projekte auf Basis der originalen 32bit Vanguard-Version. Jetzt kann ich sie endlich fertigstellen oder neu überarbeiten 
"This is not just remastered; This is remade, enhanced, and improved. A new, cleaner UI. Ten new wavetables, two new filter types, a new delay type, a completely new reverb, a new distortion FX, synced LFOs, etc. Also, 136 completely new factory presets are included with VANGUARD2. All Vanguard expansions previously sold on reFX are included. All drums you hear in this demo are included as individual WAV files. VANGAURD2 will be available on Black Friday, November 25th, 2022."

"This is not just remastered; This is remade, enhanced, and improved. A new, cleaner UI. Ten new wavetables, two new filter types, a new delay type, a completely new reverb, a new distortion FX, synced LFOs, etc. Also, 136 completely new factory presets are included with VANGUARD2. All Vanguard expansions previously sold on reFX are included. All drums you hear in this demo are included as individual WAV files. VANGAURD2 will be available on Black Friday, November 25th, 2022."