Time to register: Sonoj Convention 2019 (Oct 26/27th, Cologne,Germany)



The third annual Sonoj Convention ( https://www.sonoj.org ) will be taking place this upcoming October 26th-27th 2019 in Cologne, Germany.

The convention is focusing on the combination of music production and free / open source software with a priority on practical music production.

At Sonoj there will be talks, demonstrations, and workshops from demonstrating basic workflows to detailed instructions on how to subtly improve your sound.
While the event will take place in Germany, all presentations and workshops will be in English, recorded and streamed to make them easily accessible to a wide audience.

We want to welcome everyone, regardless of your musical or technical background.
To get a better idea of what to expect out of Sonoj, you can find information and recordings from last year's convention in our archives: ( https://sonoj.org/archive )

As it was last year, admission to the convention is free, though donations are very much welcome.

- Visitor Registration is now possible. The space is limited so please register on our website now. ( https://sonoj.org/register.html )
- We are looking for talks, demonstrations and workshops. If you would like to contribute, please send an informal and short e-mail with your ideas to info@sonoj.org
- Donations are very welcome. Even if you don't attend personally please consider supporting a non-profit event to promote open source music making and production. We accept direct bank transfer and paypal ( https://www.sonoj.org/donate.html )

# Selbständig c/p: https://linuxmusicians.com/viewtopic.php?p=110304#p110304

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