SILURIA ~ droning & sound mangling synth


Weiss nicht, in welche Rubrik dieser Synth gehört (bitte ggf. verschieben)
Soll wohl noch diesen Monat erscheinen...

'Siluria combines a few sound engines and effects, one of the voices is playable by a 12-tone touch keyboard. The main drone frequency is directly controllable by one of the knobs, additional harmonics can be added by precisely tuning fractional delays and reverbs. There are pre-defined scales, with base note following the main frequency in a quantized manner (this can be configured differently in another patch).It is a completely digital synth but the analog potentiometers are used for precise, high resolution control. Their smooth feel, instant response and the synergy that emerges from the seemingly infinite combinations of their positions, makes playing with Siluria a very pleasant and addictive experience. What you hear is an unprocessed and unedited output. Everything is recorded to the SD card, in perfect quality, so nothing is lost. Sound from the camera was mixed in as well, so you can hear the button click.'

Ich mag ja die Sachen von Phonic Bloom. Ob mir das schicke Teil aber 600 Dollares wert wäre -ich weiß es nicht.
Preorders sind ab jetzt geöffnet, Kostenpunkt 599€ / Lieferzeit 1-3 Monate
In den Specs steht noch etwas von einem kleinen Oled-Display, aber das sieht man leider nirgends..manual ist auch noch nicht online..
