Roland System 100m and ARP 2500


“Roland System 100m / Behringer System 100” is online now:

The video gives real in-depth insights of the functionality, the waves, and the spectra, and demonstrates in a couple of patches how well it cooperates with the ARP 2500 remakes as well as with Moog Werkstatt, Korg Volca Modular and Behringer Neutron. At the end of the video I compare the hardware module with a VCV software module.

mediapic VCO 112.png

0:00:00 Introduction

0:01:53 Functionality: Overview

0:03:51 Functionality: Frequency Ranges

0:05:57 Functionality: Pulse width and PWM

0:08:49 Functionality: Oscillator Sync

0:11:28 Functionality: Pitch Modulation

0:14:23 Wave Shapes: Triangle (pure)

0:16:27 Wave Shapes: Triangle with Oscillator Sync

0:17:41 Wave Shapes: Saw (pure)

0:18:34 Wave Shapes: Saw with Oscillator Sync

0:19:35 Wave Shapes: Square (pure)

0:20:26 Wave Shapes: Square with Oscillator Sync

0:22:11 Wave Shapes: Frequency Modulation: triangle/triangle

0:26:34 Wave Shapes: Frequency Modulation: triangle/saw

0:28:16 Wave Shapes: Frequency Modulation: triangle/square

0:30:25 Wave Shapes: Frequency Modulation: triangle/pulse

0:32:11 Wave Shapes: Frequency Modulation: saw/triangle

0:33:53 Wave Shapes: Frequency Modulation: saw/saw

0:35:29 Wave Shapes: Frequency Modulation: saw/square

0:39:16 Wave Shapes: Frequency Modulation: square/triangle

0:42:12 Wave Shapes: Frequency Modulation: square/saw

0:43:47 Wave Shapes: Frequency Modulation: square/square

0:46:57 Wave Shapes: Frequency Modulation: pulse/pulse

0:51:01 Oscillator Sync (explanations)

0:55:11 Wave Shapes: FM plus Oscillator Sync

1:03:24 Patching: Roland VCO plus ARP FiltAmp (filter only)

1:16:05 Patching: Roland VCO/ARP FiltAmp/Neutron/Keystep

1:19:50 Patching: Roland VCO/ARP ModAmp/Neutron/Keystep

1:24:00 Patching: Roland VCO/ARP ModAmp/ARP FiltAmp/Neutron/Keystep

1:28:00 Patching: Roland VCO/ARP FiltAmp/ARP ModAmp/Neutron/Keystep/Moog Werkstatt

1:29:48 Patching: Roland VCO/ARP FiltAmp/Neutron/Keystep/Moog Werkstatt/Volca Modular

1:32:05 Roland VCO 112 (Hardware) vs. VCV Rack VCO 3340 (Software)

1:37:55 Some (important) Words at the End

Enjoy your day!

I came here for Arp and Roland content , but No Roland , No Arp .. maybe call it what it is : Behringer
