RIP Garth Hudson (The Band) 2025

87 ist ein gesegnetes Alter. Wenn dann noch ein Lebenswerk dahinter steht, an das man sich erinnern kann, umso gesegneter.

Ich bin nicht durch The Band über Hudson gestolpert, sondern durch einen Artikel über den Yamaha CS80, der 1991 in der amerikanischen KEYBOARD erschien:

"To combat the tuning problems, [...] Luebbing's tactics really went beyond the ordinary. 'It involved the installation of a heat pipe, a fluid-filled copper tube, purchased from Edmund Scientific in New Jersey for about $70. There was less than a quarter-degree temperature change from one end to the other. I soldered a tab from each oscillator chip to the tube, and it would tend to keep them at the same temperature. Garth Hudson [of The Band] was the only CS-80 owner experimentally oriented enough to give it a try. Subject to its limitations, it did what it was supposed to do. Garth toured with that CS-80 up and down the East Coast. Then he brought it back about a year and a half later, and it was still tuned pretty well. Unfortunately, it was stolen when he was in New York, and we never heard from it again.'"

Notiz an mich selbst: Es ist an der Zeit, sich das mal anzuhören.


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