ready for the MUSIKMESSE Frankfurt!!

well, tomorrow will bring new pics n bytes from the music fa

well, tomorrow will bring new pics n bytes from the music fair..

I will put some pics and infos up on the site ..
you can post anything on messe news here as well..

this NOT meant to be "moogulator only news" but hopefully a complete "review" and picture salad and not at least gearporn deluxe(tm)!!

have fun..
first pics and stuff wed, evening (6.apr.)

on the site

maybe you have seen the new Jomox xbase 999 already? the new MFB / Fricke filterbox with 8 step <a href="">Sequencer</a> and some other things to be shown first to german public like virus TI, Korg oasys (well, of course no1 will buy it.. but ..), and more.. check the m5, s1 und s2 etc. at schneiders booth ..

__.. more to come.. I will be on the messe ..
some meeting points 13,18,16:00 at super booth / schneidersbuero! (analogue stuff)

more in this thread or on the site.. (depends on time etc.. ) ;-)
Was there really a version 3 Analogue Solutions Semblance at

Was there really a version 3 Analogue Solutions Semblance at the superbooth?
Sounds wicked :)
When will it go into full production?

Sounds wicked :)
When will it go into full production?
very soon, it's more about a few weeks..
the smaller versio

very soon, it's more about a few weeks..
the smaller version is ready.. the big version will take a very little while..

thomas (anyware) is the guy, if you want current news..
simply PM him ..

maybe I shall update the semTex/USM text and add an english info.. huh?..
I just updated it.. here's the quick and dirty text:


I just updated it.. here's the quick and dirty text:

well, it's basically 2 VCOs with SubOSC (each!) PW/pulse with PW in mod for both , sawtooth also.

it has ringmod along with noise

all VCOs and PWMs have their CV jacks.

the basic heart of the USM is the FILTER..
it has a CV controlled morph from LPF to HPF via notch and a parallel BPF , both can be controlled by pots. my proto does not have the CV morph but maybe you already listened to the audio files?..

it also has sync for the VCOs..

all filter outs (lpf,hpf, notch, bpf) have their own output.

also the VCA can be CV'ed of course..

you can also FM with it by just plugin in the VCO1 out to the VCO2 in or vice versa..

thats the small one and it's sound is based on the Oberheim SEM.
it's made for modular users that already have one..

the big one is a good starter kit for modular life..
you got 2 very flexible LFOs with S/H up to audio speed and 3 Envelopes.

the LFOs are much like a half of my HellLFO..
this one:

it's range is from very slow to very fast ,..

both LFOs provide pos and neg half wave in it's own colour. so you can SEE the waveform, it has waveshapers ,so you got also PWM (pretty cool for new school BRRZZZTTTT kind of sounds..)

here's the front plate: ... USMBIG.JPG
I already PM'ed Thomas about this but he seems to be pretty

I already PM'ed Thomas about this but he seems to be pretty busy.
Perhaps you (Moogulator) can give me some answers:

Will this be for sale as a kit? If so, what are the power requirements, and what's the face plate format? Would it be MOTM compatible?

Hmm, afiak it is planned to be no DIY Kit, there are 2 Versi

Hmm, afiak it is planned to be no DIY Kit, there are 2 Versions (updated the site a bit)..
one with LFOs and ENVs and one without it..

It will be a Standalone kind of Synth, check the Pics.. there is one in a wooden cabinet.. so see it as a standalone device that can be attached to a motm, Moog or etc..

the PSU is already there,so you need not to worry about it.. it is completely on it's own..

if you want it a a "module" to be mounted in a cabinet..
hmm, I'd had to ask then ,also.. my proto is and the design could basicly to the job.. (estimated) it's only a question of the front plate..

so ,if you want a special version it's better to ask thomas himself ;-)
I am sure he will come back to you.. asap..

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