Proton D 1200 Amp wieder entbrücken?


Hallo zusammen,

ich habe mir kürzlich zwei Proton D1200 Verstärker für meine "Tannoy Definition 500" gekauft.
Nun waren die Amps beim vorherigen Besitzer gebrückt, damit er die doppelte Leistung pro Lautsprecher hatte. Jetzt möchte ich die Boxen aber im normalen Stereo Amp Modus ansteuern da ich den zweiten Proton für meine Onkyo SC 950 verwenden will. Nun habe ich herausgefunden das meine Protons keinen "Bridge Switch" hinten haben. Deshalb hier die Frage wie kann ich die Amps wieder "entbrücken"?

Habe hierzu das noch im Netz gefunden, anscheinend bin ich nicht der einzige mit diesem Problem (jedoch umgekehrt):

I recently acquired a PROTON D-1200 Power amplifier. Prettiest meters I've ever seen !! Immediately thought how great it would be to use 2 of these stunning beauties as MONO amps...

Went to HIFI engine and downloaded the owners manual. I was surprised to see on page 2, a drawing of the rear panel connections shows a bridging switch between the left and right input terminals which turns the amp into a mono amp !!!!! The manual instructs you flip the bridging switch to the "on" position and hook your speaker wire to both red positive terminals.... It also states that by "bridging" the amp more that doubles the power output !!! I excitedly pulled my amp off the shelf and was disappointed to find there was NO BRIDGING switch on my amp. UGH. I went to ebay and checked out Proton D-1200's for sale and none of them had this bridging switch.

Interestingly, the two black speaker terminals on the back unscrew completely(and can be removed) and the red terminals unscrew, but are captured and cannot be removed from the amp.

Is there a way to run this amp as a MONO amp ?? I would love to get another of these Proton amps and run them as MONO's.

Any information would be greatly appreciated !!!!! Dan
