Plan B Model 15 VCO tuning/ calibration guide

Navs schrieb:
Just in case your M15 ever goes out of tune

Was nicht wirklich selten der Fall ist, ich muss meine beiden Model 15 relativ oft tunen, im Gegensatz zu den ASys RS95 und den Doepfer A-111 :cry:
Aber nicht so oft, dass ich daran denke, sie rauszuschmeissen :D
Ne. Rauschmeissen nicht. Aber wenn irgendwas stimmen soll, ist der A-111, trotz trockenerem Sound, mein 'go-to' Oszi. Einmal einstellen und basta.

Eigentlich ist es ja nicht der Fall, dass er verstimmt sondern, dass die Spreitzung nie stimmt. Ich werde es noch einmal probieren.

BTW kann man einen Software Oszilloscope vertrauen? Habe mir die Symmetrie mit AudioXplorer angeschaut und da schien mir der Triangle Core ein bischen 'hohengierig' zu sein. Sollte ich das nochmal mit einem hardware Scope probieren eh ich da rumfummele?

Ich weiß nicht, ob es hier rein paßt, aber Plan B hat in seiner Mailingliste die Veröffentlichungdaten der nächsten Module bekannt gegeben:

Now that the 25, 26 and 28 are out, I thought I'd take a moment to
outline and update the release schedule.

1) The 15A VCO Expander is next on the list. Faceplates are ghere,
waiting to nail down one section of the circuit before PCB art is sent
to fab. Their turnarond is quite quick - these should be out within
three to four weeks. The 15A is a 4HP strip which adds attenuators
for PWM and Hard/Soft Sync, a three way Octave up/down switch (center
takes it out of the circuit) and two additional 1V/OCT inputs. It
connects to the Model 15 via the 14 pin connector located on the rear
of the Rev. 2. These may also be integrated to Rev 1 Model 15's, but
a special cable and some (minimal) soldering is required.

2) Along with the release of the 15A will be the Model 11 - The
mysterious Evil Twin. I believe this module will become as important
to Plan B as the Model 15. A few of our customer's who've come by the
shop in the last three weeks have had a demo of the prototype and were
quite impressed. I'm really excited about this one. More information
will be posted about it as it's release date approaches which will be
concurrent to the 15A (3 to 4 weeks). Faceplates are here, PCB art
waiting for completion of the 15A as they're being submitted together.

3) Work begun on the final completion of the Milton last week. They
should be popping up in about two months. Sorry for the delay on this
one - it's a very big project, we need to get it right before we get
it to you.

4) The third in the utility series, the Model 29, will be released
within eight weeks. Believe it or not, it's a new type of Multiple.
This isn't a joke! It does something the others do not and I'll think
you'll find it extremely useful. OK, Ok, Ok...I can hear you guys
snickering...just wait and see!

5) On the pure analog side - the Model 23 ASR is the next project on
the bench. It's been totally redesigned from what was shown at Namm
in 2006, and in the next couple of weeks a prototype will be made
before pcb and faceplate art is submitted. In that work on the hybrid
modules usually only takes place on the regularily scheduled Sunday
evening sessions with our programmer, it frees the rest of my week for
the analog stuff (the M23 included) here at the shop, and that's how
I'm able to develop more than one product at a time.

6) The Model 16 Spectral Multiplexer's release procedure will begin
after the the model 23 is to market.

7) After that, the Model 18 output module, which will be the large one
found in the photo section of this yahoo group. The smaller version
shown on the EAR site may be released in time, but not initially.

8) Now the biggie - in four to five months we will be releasing a new
digital module (Model 30) which is going to be big. I'm not going to
leak a word about this one, outside of mentioning it will be three
modules in one which share a single common output, which can be linked
together or used independently...and it's not an Envelope Generator.
I think you guys will find it of interest.

Work has begun on the cases (the initial one for the CalArts system).
We're getting the prototype side panels from the laser cuter in a
couple of weeks. Once the bugs are worked out, we'll begin prcurring
parts for the production units. These should be here by the Namm show.

So...a hefty schedule ahead for new releases in the next coming
months. All of this should be complete by 2008. Things do come up
however, but that's what I am shooting for.

I'll be happy to field questions on most of this - outside of the
Model 11 and the Model 30. Unfortunately I can't give further comment
on those two at this time, but will soon.


- P
Die Aussagen von Herrn Grenader sind immer mit etwas Weit- und gleichzeitiger Vorsicht zu sehen. Deswegen poste ich solche Nachrichten gar nicht erst weiter. Manchmal wird es was, manchmal nicht.
Auf das ASR habe ich auch lange gewartet, mittlerweile gibt es ja das A-152 von Doepfer, das u.a. diese Funktion bestens mit bis zu 8 Registern erfüllt.
Milton ist auch schon seit dem Versailler Vertrag angekündigt.
Also nicht unruhig werden!
Ich harre nun geduldig der Dinge und warte erst einmal auf eine Lieferung des Model 28 und anderer Komponenten an Andreas Schneider.
Nichts gegen Analogue Haven, aber wir haben hier unseren eigenen Händler und dem möchte ich gern diese Marge zukommen lassen.
Das haben wir mittlerweile auch Herrn Grenader wissen lassen.
Das Leben funktioniert auch ohne Plan B.

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