Koma Elektronik Sequencer "Komplex"

Ist aber doch limitiert, stand soweit ich mich noch erinnere im Koma Newsletter. Also besser jetzt schon vorbestellen.
Edit: unten der Newsletter. 2 Batches mit je 25 Stück. Ich denke die sind fix weg.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
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The long wait finally ends! Due to the supply chain disruption caused by Covid-19 we had to scrape together parts from all corners of the world for nearly two years. Finally the last necessary chip has found its way into the box labelled "Komplex Sequencer". We are now able to start producing a "golden sample" and organize a full production run.​
First 10 persons pre-ordering will receive 10 KOMA Elektronik branded patch cables with the perfect size to internally patch the Komplex patchbay
Komplex Sequencer​
€1999 €1949​
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What is a "golden sample" and why is it necessary?
First off: NO, there will NOT be a Komplex with an enclosure made out of gold (at least not in any forseeable future). But whenever a "complex" product like the Komplex undergoes some bigger changes, KOMA usually won't just go ahead and change a bunch of circuitry to willy nilly start production right away. Instead, great care is taken and a so-called "golden sample" is produced. This means that all changes are worked into the circuitry and a single prototype is being built to be tested thoroughly.​
We added a new functionality into the Komplex Sequencer: The Transpose CV input now also transposes the MIDI notes that a sequencer is producing. Also some circuitry had to undergo changes to account for non-available and now obsolete chips. We already have a prototype here with the necessary changes but it still has a bunch of colored wires dangling out of the enclosure and the changes are essentially piggy-backed on the original circuitry. That's why we are producing a golden sample right now as you read these lines. Once that prototype comes back and is all good, we will trigger production.​
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The new Komplex run is very limited and will be available in 2 batches of 25 pieces each. Some of you that were eying the Komplex for a longer time might have noticed that the sales price increased. Unfortunately many components needed for building a Komplex sequencer have gotten more expensive since our last production run. In fact, it is fair to say that ALL components have gotten substantially more expensive. This starts with electronic parts not available on the market anymore, like microcontrollers that we had to buy for an elevated price, goes over hardware parts like sliders and pushbuttons and ends with greatly risen prices for both the metal enclosure and wooden sidecheeks.​
Since demand is huge, as of today, we have enabled backordering of Komplex Sequencers in our webshop. We have already ordered a few components like the metal enclosures and wooden sidepanels but the majority of production will have to wait until the golden sample is here. Since we already tested the new functionality and can verify it with our "Frankenstein" unit here, it should be smooth sailing from here on out. In fact, we are testing this feature since nearly a year in our synth setup in the workshop and enjoy it thoroughly.​
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Current estimated delivery date for the first batch is September 2023. That's how long it takes for all the necessary parts to arrive in our workshop plus assemble time. It is "first come, first served" or as you programmers like to call it: FIFO (first in, first out).

So, be quick, and reserve your unit today! We will keep you updated about important milestones happening via this mailing list.​
In the meanwhile, you can check out our Kommunity (https://community.koma-elektronik.com ),
exchange ideas and experiences with other KOMA users there!

All the best from Berlin,
The KOMA Team​
Das Problem mit guten Sequemzern ist, daß man dem Ergebnis nicht anhört, mit welchem Sequenzer es gemacht wurde.
Der Reiz des Musizierens mit Sequenzern ist, daß sie den Weg zum Ziel machen. Das gilt sicher auch und im besonderen Maße für den Komplex.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
als ich angefangen habe mit Modular mochte ich Sequenzer nicht, jetzt mag ich sie, sehr sogar, hab mir einen geordert! Ich mag ein non-DAW-setup, der Koma wird mir sicher Spaß bringen.

ps.: Kann sein das da noch einer online geht, es gab Ärger mit pp, ich hab im Zuge dessen ausversehen 2x bestellt und einen storniert.
