JOIX - Der Krieg soll enden EP [SOJ-011]


In einer Woche erscheint meine nächste EP "Der Krieg soll enden" auf Sounds of Jericho.

Unter folgender URL könnt ihr auf Soundcloud bereits in alle 4 Tracks vorab reinhören:

Vom ersten namengebenden Track des Releases gibt es auch schon folgende Abspielstationen in voller Länge:

Ebenso vom zweiten Track "Born after sunset", der noch etwas melodischer ist:

Wer an einer Promo interessiert ist, für einen kostenlosen Download aller Tracks als WAV oder 320kb MP3, schreibe mich gerne an!

Hier noch der offizielle Text zum Release:

It was very early in the morning when JOIX awaked from a dream where the following german words came to his mind together with some unwritten song structures: "Der Krieg soll enden und das möglichst bald. Für den Frieden und dessen Erhalt." (eng: "The war should end as soon as possible. For peace and its preservation.").
It seemed very important at this moment, so he immediately stood up and noticed these two sentences on a piece of paper in his studio. After going to bed again and waking up later, reading these words once more with a rational mind he was not so convinced of its meaning any more and doubts came up if it would be really a good idea to use this for the next music production. At daylight and with sober mind it seems a bit childish and naive.
But finally the power of the dream was stronger and so you can listen here to the result as first track of this EP "Der Krieg soll enden".

Second track "Born after sunset" is a floating Deep Techno track with hypnotic basses and layered melodic chords which culminate in an emotional break and a deep melodic second part of this track.

Third, "Spinnrad am Brunnenrand" (eng: "Spinning wheel at well edge") is an innuendo to the fairy tale "Frau Holle" and comes up with an enraptured atmosphere which lets you fall down to another world at the wells ground.

4th, the Remix of "Spinnrad am Brunnenrand" by new upcoming Deep Techno Producer Felix Kowalski from Heidelberg rounds off this EP with a nice interpretation of the Original.
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