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How do I reset (initialize) the Emagic AMT8 or Unitor8?
Hold the Panic button for 3 seconds when the unit is turned on.
How do I fully reset my Emagic AMT8 MIDI interface in Windows?
Follow these directions, clicking on the buttons in the middle window of the screen, alternate Ctrl keys are listed if you prefer to use them rather than menus.
1. Go to the AMT8 Control panel
2. Windows – Open Device (Ctrl-3)
3. Click on the Patches button in the middle of the screen, all Init Patches will highlight blue
4. Go to Entry – Initialize (Ctrl-I)
5. Click on the Computer mode Setup in the middle of the screen, Computer Mode Setup below the button will highlight blue
6. Go to Entry – Initialize (Ctrl-I)
7. Click on Patch Mode Setup in the same area, it will highlight blue
8. Go to Entry – Initialize (Ctrl-I)
9. Click on Click Input Setup as above
10. Go to Entry – Initialize (Ctrl-I)
11. Click on Global Setup as above
12. Go to Entry – Initialize (Ctrl-I)
Your AMT8 is now reset to the factory defaults.
How do I reset (initialize) the Emagic AMT8 or Unitor8?
Hold the Panic button for 3 seconds when the unit is turned on.
How do I fully reset my Emagic AMT8 MIDI interface in Windows?
Follow these directions, clicking on the buttons in the middle window of the screen, alternate Ctrl keys are listed if you prefer to use them rather than menus.
1. Go to the AMT8 Control panel
2. Windows – Open Device (Ctrl-3)
3. Click on the Patches button in the middle of the screen, all Init Patches will highlight blue
4. Go to Entry – Initialize (Ctrl-I)
5. Click on the Computer mode Setup in the middle of the screen, Computer Mode Setup below the button will highlight blue
6. Go to Entry – Initialize (Ctrl-I)
7. Click on Patch Mode Setup in the same area, it will highlight blue
8. Go to Entry – Initialize (Ctrl-I)
9. Click on Click Input Setup as above
10. Go to Entry – Initialize (Ctrl-I)
11. Click on Global Setup as above
12. Go to Entry – Initialize (Ctrl-I)
Your AMT8 is now reset to the factory defaults.