Firmware 1.10:
Added a new Comb+ filter machine.
Added configurable routing of distortion and Base-width filter.
Added a new modulator source, KEY TRACKING with four destinations in the SOUND SETUP menu.
Added support for sampling mono audio.
Added a new VELOCITY TO VOL curve.
Added the possibility to load a sample directly to a track from the Sample browser.
Improved the MOD destination list UI design.
Added the possibility to rename the track sound.
Added a method to swap tracks within a pattern. You find this functionality in the SETUP menu ([FUNC] + [FLTR]).
Added an option to overdub in Live Recording mode, meaning recording on top of an existing trig does not remove the overlapping notes.
Added the possibility to add parameter locks to all active trigs on a sequencer page or track by holding down a trig and then also holding [PAGE] or [TRK] while editing a parameter.
Added [TEMPO/METRONOME] + [YES] shortcut to quickly toggle the metronome ON/OFF.
Added tap tempo via MIDI note, using G10 on FX CONTROL channel.
Added support for importing legacy SysEx data.
Added support for exporting a previously imported project or preset with Transfer.
Added an option in the PERSONALIZE menu option for allowing live recording parameter changes/locks only to already existing trigs.
Added an option in the PERSONALIZE menu that is called TRACK SELECT that lets you decide how to select tracks and how that action relates to triggering the sound of the track.
The currently active search filter is now shown at the bottom of the screen when searching presets or kits.
Added snap values to the MOD destination list, holding [FUNC] while scrolling to snap to destination categories.
The latest selected version of MUTE mode (pattern or global) is now remembered between power cycles.
The MIDI machines SEL 1-8 and SEL 9-16 parameters now have unique default SEL CCs.
Improved [PAGE] LED luminosity contrast.
Added a popup to show that a CC has been learned.
Added the functionality that lets you load a kit to all empty patterns.
Added confirmation dialog when saving a sample and the same sample name already exists.
Bug fixes
Playhead could sometimes stop advancing in STEP RECORDING mode.
An incorrect lock could sometimes appear when converting a sequence created in EUCLIDEAN mode.
The MOD destination list was not closed when switching tracks.
Prep mutes screen could appear on top of text.
The [UP] and [DOWN] arrows were still active while the SELECT PRESET BANK popup was shown.
The delay time was incorrectly set when BPM was set to 30.
Clicks could sometimes occur when playing back a sample using the WERP and GRID machines.
Some key descriptions were incorrect in the Preset/Kit manager search function.
The length of the recording could be slightly incorrect when using the R.LEN parameter in the SAMPLING menu to record a set number of steps at the current BPM.
Some NRPN parameters were missing.
Imported legacy projects that had GLOBAL FX/MIX enabled did not work correctly in all cases and did not take Compressor Routing > FX into account.
LEVEL/DATA unexpectedly adjusted the TRACK LEVEL parameter of the active track when in the SAMPLING menu.
Selecting bank with/
arrows or LEVEL/DATA in the PRESET/KIT menus did not work correctly.
The MOD destination list was not refreshed when switching to a track with a different machine while the list was open.
Euclidean sequences on MIDI tracks dropped parameter locks for [NOT2-4] parameters when the sequence was “frozen.”
If track 9-16 was active it would always be triggered by MIDI notes 0-15 sent on the AUTO channel, regardless of the note value.
A BPM synced LFO could under certain circumstances unexpectedly be out of sync with the sequencer.
The SRC page sample selection list flickered when turning DATA ENTRY KNOB D and another knob simultaneously.
The SLEW parameter was mislabeled on MIDI tracks when using the RAND waveform.
Scrolling to the next sample bank while parameter locking could change the track’s sample.
Navigating back in the Sample browser with [NO] skipped the root screen, causing the browser to close unexpectedly.
Using the quick assign method and navigating folders with [FUNC] +/caused the Assign sample browser to close unexpectedly at the root.
The SAMPLES menu ([FUNC] + [SAMPLING]) and ASSIGN SAMPLES menu did not remember the last opened directory.
Long sample names clashed with GUI elements.
Sample assignment could intermittently fail.
Playing wavetables using GRID machine could sometimes introduce clicks and artefacts.
Playing back a sample with PLAY set to REVERSE and with LEN set to MAX could sometimes introduce clicks.
Incorrect samples could sometimes be loaded after opening a project that was imported from another device.
Pattern chains skipped the first pattern and song mode skipped the first row if the sequencer was running when the chain/song started.
AUDIO ROUTING > USB OUT set to EXT did not work as expected.
The Delay send effect had pitching artefacts during small tempo changes.
There was a slight stepping effect in certain ranges when adjusting or modulating the PAN parameter.
Tracks could under some circumstances trigger with incorrect note on release after external MIDI input.
CONTROL ALL CONFIG settings were not retained after power cycling.
SysEx import/export of presets did not work correctly.
There was a misleading error message when trying to back up imported legacy projects without first saving them to the Digitakt II.
After changing TRIG mode while in STEP RECORDING mode, [FUNC] erroneously accessed quick mute mode.
The indicator for unsaved imported legacy projects (two small arrows next to the project name) was retained after deleting the project.
Clicks could occur at Note On messages using the Legacy LP/HP filter.
A set kit name was not remembered after changing pattern and then saving the same kit to another slot. Instead, the kit name defaulted to KIT.
A track with retrig enabled did not retrigger when triggered via external MIDI.
Loading kits to preset pool via PRESET/KIT -> MANAGE was broken.
The screen header disappeared in the LOAD PRESET view when no presets were visible.
Holding [UP] or [DOWN] to scroll was not functioning when selecting TRIG mode.
A parameter lock on the RTRG parameter remained active after deleting and re-placing a trig.
Preset preview could stop working after using [FUNC] + [YES] and [TRIG 1-16] interchangeably while in the LOAD PRESET menu.
Triggering a track while saving a preset played an unrelated preset.
LFO on MIDI tracks doesn’t work after switching to a MIDI machine.
Encoder input could carry over if the subpage was accessed using [UP/DOWN].
For some patterns in the PRESETS project, a couple of parameters that controls aspects of the external inputs were not set correctly.
Some Control All parameter positions were not consistent.
Some NRPN parameters regarding the Euclidean sequencer didn’t work as intended.