Elektron Digitakt II

Nochmal generell was zum Syntakt: Das Teil ist einfach Mörder Geil.Ich habe heute Abend nur MF Sounds in den ST gesampled. Das geht so easy und ultra entspannt. Dadurch aber mega spannend.... Ich liebe diese Gerät mehr als alles andere , was ich jemals an Gear besessen habe. Microfreak und einen Syntakt 2und eine angeschlossenen Midi-Tastatur, mehr braucht eigentlich niemand! außer man braucht Polyphonie

Der syntakt kann samplen?
Kann die Euphorie absolut nachvollziehen..die Haptik und genereller workflow von DT und Tone ist für mich sehr hilfreich und fördert den "flow"...ein Syntakt steht bei mir auf der Liste ganz oben
Mal eine Frage zum Workflow: kann man beim Digitakt 2 auch Samples zoomen, die aus dem +Drive geladen wurden? Wenn ich direkt rein Sample in das Gerät ist es ja ohne weiteres möglich. Wenn ich allerdings unter Source ein Sample lade, kann ich da nichts zoomen. Gibt’s da irgendeinen Trick?
Mal eine Frage zum Workflow: kann man beim Digitakt 2 auch Samples zoomen, die aus dem +Drive geladen wurden? Wenn ich direkt rein Sample in das Gerät ist es ja ohne weiteres möglich. Wenn ich allerdings unter Source ein Sample lade, kann ich da nichts zoomen. Gibt’s da irgendeinen Trick?
  • Gute Idee
M.i.a.u.: Iso
Man könnte sich einen kleinen crawler schreiben, der elektronauts und elektron.se alle 10 Sekunden analysiert
1.03 OS ist da - für Overbridge

List of changes from OS 1.02 to 1.03
Added support for Overbridge 2.13.

List of changes from OS 1.01A to 1.02
Added a new parameter, NOTE PARAM, in the PERSONALIZE menu where you can select the interaction behavior for whether the NOTE parameter settings should follow the set scale or not. Either turn the knob to set note value in the chromatic scale and push turn the knob to only select values that follow the set scale or the other way around.

On the mixer pages, the name of the page is now shown instead of the track number.

When using the page loop functionality in GRID RECORDING mode, the master playback position is now indicated by a blinking TRIG key on the top row (TRIG 1-8), and the currently played looping page is indicated by a blinking TRIG key on the bottom row (TRIG 9-16).

Improved the level metering on the sampling RECORDER page.

Bug fixes
Transferring samples to the Digitakt II from a computer using Transfer was slower than expected.

The device could sometimes experience slow operation and crashes when the +Drive was getting filled up with content.

Some devices could sometimes exhibit problems with double-trigging when pressing the keys.

The external input gain was lower than on the Digitakt I.

Renaming a recorded sample resulted in an ERROR message being shown.

The pitch bend range was not -128 to +127. This resulted in unwanted behaviors when controlling the pitch bend.

Import of older Digitakt I projects could result in samples being mapped incorrectly.

When importing a project created on Digitakt I, the compressor sidechain source was not correctly converted.

When importing a Digitakt I project with GLOBAL FX/MIX turned on caused errors on the EXTERNAL MIXER page.

The LFO destination SAMPLE SLOT could only be modulated if the track used the ONESHOT machine.

Quickly pressing [FUNC] + [TRK] twice changed mute mode instead of exiting mute mode.

When in Euclidean mode, pressing already placed note trigs resulted in trigs remaining on the sequencer when switching to normal sequencer mode.

While transferring samples to the device while in the sample browser, the title bar intermittently flashed the full path of the current directory rather than just showing the current directory name.

Navigating up and down deep folder structures in the sample browser was slow.

The Sample auto-preview toggle’s state was not saved after reboot and always defaulted back to OFF.

The retrig parameters RTRG, VFAD, LEN, and RATE could not be recorded in LIVE RECORDING mode.

Pressing [TRK] + [TRIG] + [NO] gave a reload error message even though the reload worked.

The page looping behavior was not working as intended.

Live recording while looping a specific sequencer page could erroneously delete trigs from another sequencer page.

It was not possible to manually preview samples if AUTO-PREVIEW was set to ON.

Several of the chorus and delay parameters shared the same NRPN values.

It was not possible to control several FX parameter’s values using CC.

Sample preview audio was not sent over USB Audio.

When ENCODER DEST was set to INT+EXT, the chorus CC values were not sent to the correct channel.

When in STEP RECORDING or GRID RECORDING mode, entering and exiting the KEYBOARD SETUP menu also resulted in returning to the recording mode.

While in STEP RECORDING mode, exiting the KEYBOARD SETUP menu by pressing [NO] erroneously cleared the active step on the sequencer.

Pressing and holding [UP] or [DOWN] to scroll LFO destinations for the DESTparameter closed the destinations list.

The UI froze when saving a MIDI preset from track 16.

The VAL9 and VAL10 parameters did not send CC data on MIDI track 16.

The CC learn functionality could capture data received on the incorrect MIDI channel.

When using the CC learn functionality, it could show that it had learned a new CC value for an encoder even though it still controlled an earlier set CC value.

Some factory presets had invalid data and sample references, resulting in playback errors.

The MIDI track’s LFO destinations were sometimes not restored correctly after pattern reload.

When creating a chain, the pattern selection popup could, under some circumstances, erroneously appear.

It was not indicated in the LOAD PRESET SORTING menu in the FILTER section that a MIDI tag was applied.

The graphics in the SETUP menu were glitchy when scrolling from LEGATO to NOTE PRIORITY.

Part of the screen graphics sometimes disappeared when saving a recording.

Controlling the sample slot and sample bank parameters using CC did not work in other modes than Oneshot.

A track with retrig enabled did not retrigger when the device was in KEYBOARD mode.

List of changes from OS 1.01 to 1.01A

Bug fixes
Some units could experience audio problems on the right channel.
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