Beim aufräumen fiel mir eine alte Zusammenstellung in die Hände die wir damals unseren Synthesizerkurs-Kunden in die Hand drückten weil wir oft nach "was gibt's denn noch so mit Sünti" gefragt wurden.. Bitte! Die Liste ist uralt und war schon da mals alles andere als vollständig. Ich poste sie hier trotzdem, vielleicht entdeckt ja jemand noch was neues für sich!?
* Ashra: New Age Of Earth (77),
* Banfi,Baffo: Ma Dolce Vita (79),
* Baumann,Peter: Romanee ?6 (76),Transharmonic Nights (79)
* Bennet,Brian: Jouney Into Discoid Punk (78)
* Bundt, Michael: Just Landed Cosmic Kid (77),Neon (79)
* Carlos,Walter-Wendy: Switched On Bach (68), The Well-Tempered Synthesizer (68), Clockwork Orange (72)(Nicht zu verwechseln
mit dem gleichnamigen Soundtrack !), Sonic Seasonings (72), Switched-On-Bach II (7?), By Request (75)
* Cecil,Malcolm/Margouleff,Robert: Tontos Expanding Head Band (?)
* Cluster: Cluster (71),Cluster II (72), -> "Eno"
* Cybotron: Cybotron (78),Colossus (78),
* Deyen,Adalbert von:S ternzeit (78),Nordborg (79)
* Earthstar: French Skyline (79),
* Eno, Brian Peter George St.John Le Baptiste De La Salle: Here Come The Warm Jets (74), Taking Tiger Mountain (75), Another Green World(75),
Before And After Science (78),Music For Films (78), Music ForAirports (79),
* Eno & Robert Fripp: No Pussyfooting (73) ,Evening Star (76),Cluster & Eno:Cluster & Eno (77),After The Beat (78).
* Eroc: I(75)
* Froese,Edgar: Aqua (74),Y In Malaysian Pale (76),Macula Transfer (76),Ages (78),Stuntman (79),
* Giorgio: Aus! (75),From Here To Eternity (76), Knights In White Satin (78),
* Gleeson, Patrick: Beyond The Sun (78),Star Wars (el.Bearbeitung)(78)
* Hammer,Jan: The First Seven Days (75)
* Heldon: I (77),Stand By (79)
* Hoenig,Michael: Departure from The Northern Wasteland (78),
* Hydravion: I (79),
* Jarre', Jean-Michel : Oxygene (77), Equinoxe (78),
* Kazdin/Shepard: Everything You Allways Wanted To Hear On The Moog (74)
* Kraftwerk: Autobahn (74),Radio-Aktivität (75)Trans-Europa-Express (77), Die Mensch-Maschine (78)
* Linden,Rick v.d.: GX 1 (78)
* Moraz.Patrick: P.Moraz (78)
* Papathanasiou,Vangelis: Heaven & Hell (77),Albedo 0.39 (77), Spiral (77), Beauborg (78),La Fete Sauvage (78),China (79)
*Popul Vuh: Affenstunde (71),In den Gärten Pharaos (72),
* Riechmann,Wolfgang: Wunderbar (78)
* Rundgren,Todd: A Wizzard,A True Star (75)»Initiation (Seite 2!)
* Schoener,Eberhard: Destruction Of Harmony (74),The Book (77), Trance-Formation (77)»Flashback From The New World (78),Video-Magic (79),
* Schroeder,Robert: Harmonic Ascendant(79)
* Schulze, Klaus: Irrlicht (72),Cyborg (73),Picture Music (74), Black Dance (74),Timewind (75),Moondawn (76),Body Love (77), Mirage (77),3ody Love II (78), I (78),Dune (79),
* Sierra.Charlie Mike: On The Moon (78)
* Slocum,Brad: Sonic Synsations (78)
* Space: Magic Fly (77),Just Blue (78), Deliverance
* Space Art: I (78),Trip In The Center Head (78),
* Spoerri,Bruno: Sound Of The UFOs (78), Voice Of Taurus (78)
* Supersempf: Roboterwerke (79),
* Synergy: Electronic Realisations For Rock Orchestra (75),Sequencer (76),Chords (78),Games (79),
* Tangerine Pream: Alpha Centauri (71),Zeit (72)»Atem (73),Phaedra (74), Rubycon (75), Ricochet (75),Stratosfear (76),The Sorcerer(Soundtrack)(76),
Encore (77),Cyclone (7S),Force Majeure (79)
* Tomita,Isao: Catastrophy 1999(Soundtrack)(74),Snowflakes Are Dancing (74),Pictures At An Exibition (75),Firebird (76),The Planets (76),
Kosmos (Space Fantasy)(78), The Bermuda Triangle (79), Daphnis et Chloe (79)
* Universal Energy: I (76)
* Vimal,Richard: Migration (79)
* Wagner,Adrian: Portrait (76),The Last Inca (78)
* Wahnfried,Richard:T ime Actor (79)
* Wakeman,Rick: White Rock (77),Criminal Record (77),
* White Noise: Electric Storm (74), Concerto For Synthesizer (75)
* Wurman,Hans: The Moog Strikes Bach (70),
* Yellow Magic Orchestra: I (79)
* Zeet Band: Moogie-Woogie (?)
* Zygoat: I (74)
* Ashra: New Age Of Earth (77),
* Banfi,Baffo: Ma Dolce Vita (79),
* Baumann,Peter: Romanee ?6 (76),Transharmonic Nights (79)
* Bennet,Brian: Jouney Into Discoid Punk (78)
* Bundt, Michael: Just Landed Cosmic Kid (77),Neon (79)
* Carlos,Walter-Wendy: Switched On Bach (68), The Well-Tempered Synthesizer (68), Clockwork Orange (72)(Nicht zu verwechseln
mit dem gleichnamigen Soundtrack !), Sonic Seasonings (72), Switched-On-Bach II (7?), By Request (75)
* Cecil,Malcolm/Margouleff,Robert: Tontos Expanding Head Band (?)
* Cluster: Cluster (71),Cluster II (72), -> "Eno"
* Cybotron: Cybotron (78),Colossus (78),
* Deyen,Adalbert von:S ternzeit (78),Nordborg (79)
* Earthstar: French Skyline (79),
* Eno, Brian Peter George St.John Le Baptiste De La Salle: Here Come The Warm Jets (74), Taking Tiger Mountain (75), Another Green World(75),
Before And After Science (78),Music For Films (78), Music ForAirports (79),
* Eno & Robert Fripp: No Pussyfooting (73) ,Evening Star (76),Cluster & Eno:Cluster & Eno (77),After The Beat (78).
* Eroc: I(75)
* Froese,Edgar: Aqua (74),Y In Malaysian Pale (76),Macula Transfer (76),Ages (78),Stuntman (79),
* Giorgio: Aus! (75),From Here To Eternity (76), Knights In White Satin (78),
* Gleeson, Patrick: Beyond The Sun (78),Star Wars (el.Bearbeitung)(78)
* Hammer,Jan: The First Seven Days (75)
* Heldon: I (77),Stand By (79)
* Hoenig,Michael: Departure from The Northern Wasteland (78),
* Hydravion: I (79),
* Jarre', Jean-Michel : Oxygene (77), Equinoxe (78),
* Kazdin/Shepard: Everything You Allways Wanted To Hear On The Moog (74)
* Kraftwerk: Autobahn (74),Radio-Aktivität (75)Trans-Europa-Express (77), Die Mensch-Maschine (78)
* Linden,Rick v.d.: GX 1 (78)
* Moraz.Patrick: P.Moraz (78)
* Papathanasiou,Vangelis: Heaven & Hell (77),Albedo 0.39 (77), Spiral (77), Beauborg (78),La Fete Sauvage (78),China (79)
*Popul Vuh: Affenstunde (71),In den Gärten Pharaos (72),
* Riechmann,Wolfgang: Wunderbar (78)
* Rundgren,Todd: A Wizzard,A True Star (75)»Initiation (Seite 2!)
* Schoener,Eberhard: Destruction Of Harmony (74),The Book (77), Trance-Formation (77)»Flashback From The New World (78),Video-Magic (79),
* Schroeder,Robert: Harmonic Ascendant(79)
* Schulze, Klaus: Irrlicht (72),Cyborg (73),Picture Music (74), Black Dance (74),Timewind (75),Moondawn (76),Body Love (77), Mirage (77),3ody Love II (78), I (78),Dune (79),
* Sierra.Charlie Mike: On The Moon (78)
* Slocum,Brad: Sonic Synsations (78)
* Space: Magic Fly (77),Just Blue (78), Deliverance
* Space Art: I (78),Trip In The Center Head (78),
* Spoerri,Bruno: Sound Of The UFOs (78), Voice Of Taurus (78)
* Supersempf: Roboterwerke (79),
* Synergy: Electronic Realisations For Rock Orchestra (75),Sequencer (76),Chords (78),Games (79),
* Tangerine Pream: Alpha Centauri (71),Zeit (72)»Atem (73),Phaedra (74), Rubycon (75), Ricochet (75),Stratosfear (76),The Sorcerer(Soundtrack)(76),
Encore (77),Cyclone (7S),Force Majeure (79)
* Tomita,Isao: Catastrophy 1999(Soundtrack)(74),Snowflakes Are Dancing (74),Pictures At An Exibition (75),Firebird (76),The Planets (76),
Kosmos (Space Fantasy)(78), The Bermuda Triangle (79), Daphnis et Chloe (79)
* Universal Energy: I (76)
* Vimal,Richard: Migration (79)
* Wagner,Adrian: Portrait (76),The Last Inca (78)
* Wahnfried,Richard:T ime Actor (79)
* Wakeman,Rick: White Rock (77),Criminal Record (77),
* White Noise: Electric Storm (74), Concerto For Synthesizer (75)
* Wurman,Hans: The Moog Strikes Bach (70),
* Yellow Magic Orchestra: I (79)
* Zeet Band: Moogie-Woogie (?)
* Zygoat: I (74)