05.01.2019 22:00-00:00 h - WDR 3 Studio der Elektronischen Musik

Da gibt es sogar das hier https://www1.wdr.de/radio/wdr3/prog...nds/sem-streitgespraech-friedl-deisl-100.html


Autechre: Second Bad Vilbel (1995)

Bernard Parmegiani: Pop Eclectic (1968)

Can: The Loop

DJ Rolando aka The Aztec Mystic: Jaguar (Mad Mike Remix) (2000)

Drexciya: Aquarazorda (1994)

Elektro Guzzi: Black Chamber (2018)

General Magic & Pita: Deep Fridge (1995)

Pierre Schaeffer: Etudes de bruits (1948)

Anne Gillis: Untitled #1 (1984)

Michèle Bokanowski: ‎Tabou (1984)

Irradiation: Wave Function (Evirgen Remix) (2014)

Delia Derbyshire & Brian Hodgson: Restless Relays (1969)

Kraftwerk: Trans Europa Express (1977)

Karlheinz Stockhausen: Cosmic Pulses (2007)

Terry Riley: You're No Good (1968)

Teresa Rampazzi: Musica Endoscopica (1972)

Model 500: No UFO’s (1985)

Raymond Scott Soothing: Sounds For Baby (1964)

Pierre Henry: Jéricho Jerk (1968)

Daphne Oram: Electronic Sound Patterns (1962)

Jeff Mills: Man-Like (1992)

Gruppo NPS: Nuove Proposte Sonore 1965-1972

Panasonic: Untitled (1994)

Steve Reich: Come Out (1966)

Dziga Vertov: Enthisiasm (1931)

Throbbing Gristle: Hot On The Heels of Love (1979)

Vladimir Ussachevsky: Incantation For Tape (1953)

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