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27. Oktober 1984
(Alter: 40)
Baselland Schweiz
Betriebssystem (benötigt)
Windows 7
Level (benötigt)
Musik. Einflüsse (benötigt)
Synth Pop, Electro Pop, Ambient, EBM, Techno, Acid, New Wave, Spacesynth, Eurodance, Trance, New Beat und 80s
Genre (benötigt)
Ambient, Synth Pop, New Wave, Electro Pop, Techno, Retrowave, Eurodance
Hardware bis zum geht-nicht-mehr.
Effekte und Mixing kommen jedoch grösstenteils aus der Dose.
Musikalische Ziele (benötigt)
Das nächste Album....
bevorzugter Synth (benötigt)
Tax-5, Alobar, Mode7
Audio / Videoportal Link
Audiolink 2
Videoportal Link (Youtube)
Musikerlink 2
Meine Links 5
Meine Links 6
konzertant oder eher tanzbar?
Melancholisch, melodiös, instrumental, elektronisch, emotional
Ausrichtung (nötig)
Klangorientiert. Sample sehr gerne und experimentiere viel.
Keine klassische Songstruktur. Selten unter 4 Minuten Laufzeit.
DAW (benötigt)
Cubase 6.5
bevorzugt (nötig)
(Hardware lehne ich ab)
live? (benötigt)
(nur zuhause und allein)
(ich arbeite nicht live, siehe "Arbeitsweise")
2006: Advanced - In Love with Modules
2012: Your Heart is a Weapon
2013: Digital Planet
2013: Advanced - In Love with Modules (Re-Release)
2016: Nights under the Water Tower
2017: Super Snake Universe OST
WIP: Acid for the Masses
2013: Synthscapes
2013: Cryosleep
2013: Journey (Single)
2014: In a snowbound Land
2014: 24
2014: After Dark
2015: Space
2016: Ten Years of Ambient (Best Of)
2016: Vertigo
2019: Floating Point
WIP: Aquatica
2020: Lights Off (Single)
2021: Across the Universe (Single)
2022: Loud and Proud (Single)
WIP: Elysium
2008: Emotronic - Good Times gone
2011: The Girl and the Robot - Silence
2017: Welle:Erdball - 1000 Engel
2017: Welle:Erdball - 20'000 Meilen unter dem Meer
2019: Welle:Erdball - Die Unsichtbaren
WIP?: Welle:Erdball - Zombies im Autokino
Fast alle Projekte sind auf Itunes, Amazon, Spotify und weiteren Download und Streaming-Portalen erhältlich....
Synthesizer (nötig)
CS1x, CS2x, CS6x, SY77, SY35, DD5, DD7, DD11, DD14, DD10, RY10, RY30, DX7II FD, PSS-460, AN1x, DX7, W7, DX200, DJX, DJX II, FS1R, Motif XS6, PSR-36, RS7000, AN200, PSR-225GM, EX5R, EMR-1, EMT-1, PSC-30, 2x FB-01, PSS-790, PSS-270, PSS-130, PSS-80, TX81Z, TX802, 2x PSS-580, VSS-200, VSS-100, VSS-30, PSS-390, DSR-2000, PSR-37, TG33
JP8080, JP8000, V-Synth, D-10, D-50 (inkl. PG1000), U-20, MKS50, JD990, JV2080, JV1080, JV880, Juno-106, Jupiter 6, SH-09, JX3P (inkl. PG200), MC-303, Fantom XR, R8, TR-909, TR-505, TR-808, TR-626, TR-606, SH-201, U-220, JX-1, D-110, CR-78, MKS-80, Juno-6, Jupiter 8, SH-101, VT-4, CR1000, RA90, M-VS1, TR-707, U-110, AX7, MT-32, EG-101
M1, EX M1R, 2x Triton, Trinity, TR-Rack, MicroKorg, X5D, Wavestation EX, Electribe MX, Triton Extreme, MicroKorg XL, DW8000, Monotron, Monotron Duo, Monotron Delay, MS10, MS20, 2x N5, MS2000R, 01/W FD, 707, Wavestation SR, Kaoss Pad Mini, Kaoss Pad, Kaoss Pad 2, Kaossilator, Z1, PSS60, Kr-Mini, Electribe R MK2, DVP-1,
Virus Indigo, Virus Rack Classic, Virus TI2
Nord Lead, Nord Lead 2, Nord Lead 3, Nord Wave
K5000S, K1, K4, MS720, R50
SR16, HR16, HR16B, DM5, AirFX, Faze, MetaVox, BitrMan, AirSynth, QRS
XR10, S01, Z8
Proteus MPS+ Orchestra, Proteus 1 XR, Orbit 9090 V2, Emulator 2, Proteus 2 XR, Audity 2000, XL-1, Procussion, Proteus 3, Orbit V3, Proteus 2000, Morpheus, Drumulator (mit Rock Kit), Proteus FX, ESI4000
AX5, KN6500, KN5000, WSA1, PS50
K-Station, Drumstation V2
MT-105, VL-1, CZ1000, SK-1, PT-80, HT-700, SA-35, SA-45, SK-8, FZ-1
The Raven MAX, Technox, Quasar,
Dr 220A, Dr 220E, Dr 550, Dr 550 MKII, Dr 110, VT1, VB2, MT2, ML2, RV-70
Matrix 12, 2x Matrix 1000, DX, DPX-1, DMX
Crave, 3x Ultramizer, Virtualizer,
Pulse, MicroQ Rack, MicroWave
Other Stuff:
5x Yamaha 02R, 2x Yamaha 02R96, Yamaha 01V, Yamaha 03D, 5x Alesis MultiMix 8Line, Gameboy Advance, Nintendo DS, Korg DS10, 2x Midi Solutions T8, Midi Solutions Quadra Thru, Edirol R09, 3x MOTU MIDI Express 128, 6x Steinberg Midex 8, LinnDrum, MAM MB33 MKII, Electrix WarpFactory, TI Speak and Spell, Speak and Math und Speak and Read, Robocom ALF, EKO Ritmo 20, Kurzweil K2000, Hammond Auto-Vari 64, CRB Computer Drums, Rhythm Ace FR-3, FR-1 und FR-8L, Fujitone 3A, Roland SDE-1000, DSI Mopho, M-Audio Radium 49, Cyclone Analogic Bassbot TT-303, Dubreq Stylophone, M-Audio Keystation 61, Crumar Bit 99, MAM Freebass 383, 3x Art MX822, Focusrite Voicemaster Platinum, Strymon Big Sky, Timeline und Compressor, Gakken SX-250, Bontempi Rhythm Box, Rhythmical Choice, ART ProAmp V3, SPL Goldmike, Digitech MidiVocalist MV-5, Digitech Studio Vocalist, Wersi Wersimatic WM24, Sennheiser MK4, DIY Bitcrusher Sonic Reducer, Zoom H1, Wersi RackFox KF1, Dynacord Echocord Super 76, Miracle Piano, Dynacord DRP16, Dynacord DDL15, Dynacord EQ210, SPL Transient Designer, Drawmer DL241, WMD Geiger Counter und Geiger Counter Pro, 2x Electro Harmonix Small Stone, Fostex FR2, Sears Talking Computron, Assistive Technology Link, Macbook G4, Rode NT3, Arcano Chiptune Synth V2 & V3, Adam A8X, Presonus Monitorstation V2, Dubreq Stylophone Gen-1, Denon FR-650, AudioSource EQ One, Syntecno TB303, Intersound PK-380, Ibanez Stereo Chorus, Fender Distortion, Digitech Bass Distortion, Böhm Rotary Phaser, Evolution EVS1, Wersi Max1, Bontempi Organ, Tascam TA-1VP, Sequential Prophet 6, Sequential Prophet VS, Digitech Talker, Braintec Transistorbass, Elektron SidStation, Dreadbox Abyss, Teenage Engineering Arcade, Robot, Speak, Megaman und Tonic, 2x Tascam MR100 MK2, Ibanez SA560 und SA260, Yamaha Pacifica 112, Line6 Pocketpod, Korg Pandora Toneworks, Sony DVP-M55, Mesa Boogie V-Twin, Squier Stratocaster, Line6 DL-4, Line6 Echo Pro, TC Electronic DBmax, nux Tapecore, nux AmpSimulator, DOD analog Delay, Vesta Fire Reverb, Quantec Room Simulator, Ensoniq MR-Rack, Blackstar HT5, Roland DEP5, Yamaha REX50, Alesis MidiVerb 2 & 3, 2x Alesis MicroVerb3, ART Multiverb & Multiverb LT, Roland RSP-550, Digitech S100, Sony DPS-V77m, 2x StereoPing Controller, PreenFM2, Kodamo EssenceFM, ART Pro VLA II, 2x SPL Kultube, Technics M33, Gameboy Color, Pocket Music Color, 2x Commodore C64, MSSIAH Cartridge, Twisted Electrons HapiNES, Electro Harmonix Mainframe, CKK Infinity Reverb Stereo, AmpliTube X-Space, Eventide Black Hole, Yamaha REX50, RSP 2400 Hush
Jede Menge Mikros, Kabel, Stative und Kleinkram....
Allister Brimble, Barry Leitch, Tim Wright, Robyn Miller, Mark Morgan, Michael Cretu, Trevor Horn, Rick J. Jordan, Jean-Michel Jarre, Honey (Welle:Erdball), Jeff Dyck, Saki Kaskas, Michiel van der Kuy,