QS300, W5, W7 Digital Synthesizer + workstation sequencer Yamaha

pic thx to EinTon W7 Workstation (link)
click image to enlarge - Bild klicken zum vergroessern
other YAMAHA gear..
Built 1995
Type: digital
Hybrid: no
32 Voice / Stimmen
16x Multitimbral
large Memory / Speicher
Value / Wert in 2017 ca. 150 € (not rare)
Synthesis: rompler
OSC Features rompler 8MB
Wave Shapes digital
1 OSCs
1 Filter lpf reso 4 Pole
1 LFOs triangle saw s+h
3 Envelope Generators 3x ADSR
MIDI Control / Triggering
61 Keys with velocity aftertouch
Arpeggiator no
Sequencer workstation sequencer
(ID 442)
Type: digital
Hybrid: no
32 Voice / Stimmen
16x Multitimbral
large Memory / Speicher
Value / Wert in 2017 ca. 150 € (not rare)
Synthesis: rompler
OSC Features rompler 8MB
Wave Shapes digital
1 OSCs
1 Filter lpf reso 4 Pole
1 LFOs triangle saw s+h
3 Envelope Generators 3x ADSR
MIDI Control / Triggering
61 Keys with velocity aftertouch
Arpeggiator no
Sequencer workstation sequencer
(ID 442)

ABOUT the "ravers babe" QS300 was made for those who do not really want to dive into synthesis, the W series is also more for offset editing..
ABOUT "ravers babe" QS300 mit offset programmierung und die W serie waren eher gebrauchsrompler für die, die sich mit synthese nicht so sehr beschäftigen wollen..
DETAILS well, it's offset programming, more for those who like entry level synths..
DETAILS offset programmierung (wert der vom preset aus abweicht).. eher was für einsteiger und solche die es bleiben wollen.. *G*
SOUND standard sounds without too much synthesis stuff..
SOUND brot und butter sounds ohne viel synthesekenntnis