Largo software + step sequencer Waldorf
Built 2009
Type: software
Hybrid: no
128 Voice / Stimmen
99x Multitimbral
large Memory / Speicher
Value / Wert in 2017 ca. 200 € (-)
Synthesis: subtractive
OSC Features wavetable fm sync ring filter fm
Wave Shapes digital pulse saw sine triangle noise coloured
3 OSCs + 2 SubOSCs
2 Filter lpf hpf bpf notch comb 2-4 Pole
3 LFOs sine triangle pulse saw s+h
4 Envelope Generators 8parameters with loop
MIDI CONTROLLER Control / Triggering
0 Keys with external velocity pressure
Arpeggiator yes advanced
Sequencer step sequencer
(ID 266)
Type: software
Hybrid: no
128 Voice / Stimmen
99x Multitimbral
large Memory / Speicher
Value / Wert in 2017 ca. 200 € (-)
Synthesis: subtractive
OSC Features wavetable fm sync ring filter fm
Wave Shapes digital pulse saw sine triangle noise coloured
3 OSCs + 2 SubOSCs
2 Filter lpf hpf bpf notch comb 2-4 Pole
3 LFOs sine triangle pulse saw s+h
4 Envelope Generators 8parameters with loop
MIDI CONTROLLER Control / Triggering
0 Keys with external velocity pressure
Arpeggiator yes advanced
Sequencer step sequencer
(ID 266)

ABOUT quite like the Blofeld Hardware synths, but without sampling but has a nice Step-Sequencer as LFO3 Waveform (16 steps)
ABOUT Fast identisch mit dem Blofeld (Hardware), jedoch ohne Sampling und anderen Effekten. Dafür kann LFO3 ein kleiner 16step Sequencer sein.
DETAILS Quite like the Blofeld Hardware.
But a fewer filter drive types and no samples.
But a fewer filter drive types and no samples.
DETAILS Etwas wie die Blofeld Hardware, dafür mit FX pro Voice und etwas weniger Filter Drive Varianten.
SOUND like microQ - even better, live (small!) has XT Waves, so works fine for evolving sounds and cool pads
SOUND wie (und besser als) microQ, sehr klein - daher sehr livetauglich - sehr gut für digitale flächen und PPG-sounds, da waves vom XT mit drin sind!
VERSION Desktop and Keyboard - Desktop has Sample-handling optionally (charges 99€).
see Q / MicroQ series and Stromberg - not exatly the same but part of it.
see Q / MicroQ series and Stromberg - not exatly the same but part of it.
VERSION Desktop und Keyboard, gibt auch eine Software: Largo.
siehe Q / MicroQ Serie und Stromberg - nicht gleich aber "verwandt"
siehe Q / MicroQ Serie und Stromberg - nicht gleich aber "verwandt"