UHE alias U-HE • Berlin-based audio software company u-he was founded in 2001 by Urs Heckmann. Originally a one-man show, the company recently evolved into a tightly-knit team of employees, active associates and 3rd-party contractors – with ambitious plans.
Especially well known for the Zebra2 software synthesizer, u-he has developed several other successful products over the last decade, and regularly contributes freeware to popular magazines (available as download or on cover discs).
Despite their underlying complexity, u-he synthesizers and effects are widely acclaimed for their ease of use. This is often attributed to Urs Heckmann's background as industrial designer. Heckmann sees the seemingly unconventional decision to start an audio software company as a direct result of his equal love for industrial design and for synthesizers.
Most recently, u-he has been exploring concepts for analogue synthesizers, and the first results can be heard in the software synths ACE (audio-rate modulation paths) and Diva (highly accurate simulation of electronic circuitry). • Urs Heckmann ist heute kein Geheimtipp mehr, mit Zebra und Diva brachte er neue Mischkonzepte zwischen modularen und Wavetablesynthesizern bis hin zu der derzeit sicher gelungensten Simulation diverser analoger Klassiker (Diva) auf den Markt. Zunächst als Einmenschunternehmen wuchs die Firma zu einem kleinen Team an und weiteren angeschlossenen "Mitmachern".
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