TR66 Drummachine/Module + simple sequencer Roland

tr66 in the bottom/left middle (mitte-links)
click image to enlarge - Bild klicken zum vergroessern
other ROLAND gear..
Built 1973
Type: drum
Hybrid: no
6 Voice / Stimmen
6x Multitimbral
presets Memory / Speicher
Value / Wert in 2017 ca. 120 € (rare)
Synthesis: subtractive
OSC Features analog drums
Wave Shapes 6 drums
6 OSCs
0 Filter
0 LFOs
0 Envelope Generators
NO Control / Triggering
0 Keys with no
Arpeggiator no
Sequencer simple sequencer
(ID 414)
Type: drum
Hybrid: no
6 Voice / Stimmen
6x Multitimbral
presets Memory / Speicher
Value / Wert in 2017 ca. 120 € (rare)
Synthesis: subtractive
OSC Features analog drums
Wave Shapes 6 drums
6 OSCs
0 Filter
0 LFOs
0 Envelope Generators
NO Control / Triggering
0 Keys with no
Arpeggiator no
Sequencer simple sequencer
(ID 414)

ABOUT preset Drumcomputer in CR78 or more CR68 design..
ABOUT preset Drummachine im CR78 Kistendesign.. niedliche Sounds.. noch kleiner (Dittsche Slang: "murggelich") mit 6 Sounds..
DETAILS 6 instruments, all analogue
DETAILS 6 Instrumente, alle analog
SOUND nice old school electronica
SOUND nette alte electronik