System 100m Modular Synthesizer + analog step sequencer Roland
Built 1978
Type: analog
Hybrid: no
4 Voice / Stimmen
4x Multitimbral
no Memory / Speicher
Value / Wert in 2017 ca. 2500 € (rare)
Synthesis: modular
OSC Features modular hard+soft sync ringmod
Wave Shapes pulse saw triangle noise white pink
10 OSCs
1 Filter lpf self reso + static hpf 4 Pole
2 LFOs square saw sine
2 Envelope Generators 2x ADSR
CV GATE Control / Triggering
0 Keys with no
Arpeggiator yes
Sequencer analog step sequencer
(ID 20)
Type: analog
Hybrid: no
4 Voice / Stimmen
4x Multitimbral
no Memory / Speicher
Value / Wert in 2017 ca. 2500 € (rare)
Synthesis: modular
OSC Features modular hard+soft sync ringmod
Wave Shapes pulse saw triangle noise white pink
10 OSCs
1 Filter lpf self reso + static hpf 4 Pole
2 LFOs square saw sine
2 Envelope Generators 2x ADSR
CV GATE Control / Triggering
0 Keys with no
Arpeggiator yes
Sequencer analog step sequencer
(ID 20)

ABOUT this System reminds a bit of the SH5 and it's exatcly the SH-Sound (thats a good thing). of course it has no manual BPF like the SH5 but it is modular. to be exact: it is semimodular because it allows not to access ALL parts. system parts: (101: 1 ADSR, 1x Filter 12dB/oct LPF, 1x LFO, 102: 1x ADSR , ringmod, 1x LFO, 1x Filter 12dB/oct LPF, 104: sequencer, 103: mixer) surely you can use the two 102 + 101 as 2 synths, so it is 2 voice
ABOUT Das System erinnert in viele Punkten an die SH-Serie, speziell dem SH5, jedoch etwas vollständiger, es hat dafür nicht den BPF des SH5. wirklich modular? eher semi, denn manche punkte lassen sich nicht abgreifen. semimodular ist er aber schon. es besteht aus mehreren teilen (101: 1 ADSR, 1x Filter 12dB/oct LPF, 1x LFO, 102: 1x ADSR , ringmod, 1x LFO, 1x Filter 12dB/oct LPF, 104: sequencer, 103: mixer) klar, die beiden einheiten könnten als 2 unabhängige synthesizer genutzt werden. daher 2 voice.
DETAILS today a complete 5'cab is worth 2000$ (!!) in fact this is enough for roland to re-release it for the prices back in 1978.. most modules have 3 inputs with "attenuator" ,so it will be quite small, the 700 still has this very convenient pre-routing as well.. there are even complete 3-size modules incl. VCO-VCF-VCA , dualVCO, double ENV plus LFO module (with two 1.5ms Attack, 4ms decay/release ADSR envs), ringmod and s/h with clock/lag time like on the system100 as well but with 35hz max) the lfos are CV controlled, the filter is 24dB/oct slope, LPF only but with static typical roland HPF switch (off plus 3 settings) the VCO offers weak and strong sync, pwm and standard waveforms (only one wave per VCO of course: triangle, pulse and saw).. 32' to 2' octave switch. btw: all lfos are 35hz max. nice sound, very smart size ,but it can not do everything and its heavily overprized! why? it's roland! ..more system 100?
6 PIN DIN: PIN DIN 6pol:
Pin 1 power/15V-
Pin 2 power/15V+
Pin 3 gate
Pin 4 trigger
Pin 5 power/GROUND
Pin 6 your CV
pins 9pole DIN:
Pin 1 power/15V+
Pin 2 gate
Pin 3 N/A
Pin 4 LED pos.
Pin 5 trigger
Pin 6 power/15V-
Pin 7 power/GROUND
Pin 8 CV
6 PIN DIN: PIN DIN 6pol:
Pin 1 power/15V-
Pin 2 power/15V+
Pin 3 gate
Pin 4 trigger
Pin 5 power/GROUND
Pin 6 your CV
pins 9pole DIN:
Pin 1 power/15V+
Pin 2 gate
Pin 3 N/A
Pin 4 LED pos.
Pin 5 trigger
Pin 6 power/15V-
Pin 7 power/GROUND
Pin 8 CV
DETAILS ein system mit sehr schnellen hüllkurven und klassischem sound. es erinnert etwas an die SH-Serie und den Jupiter 4, ist aber nicht exakt gleich. es gab 3er und 5er cabinets mit genomten modulen und anschlusssystemen, einiges ist intern verdrahtet, generell ist es aber offen und durch schaltklinke unterbrechbar. module enthalten oft mehr als nur eine funktion, zB LFOs und ENVs in einem modul oder eine komplette Stimme sind erhältlich gewesen. das system konnte mit dem 184 keyboard 4 stimmig gespielt werden und hatte einen Arper (entspricht der Stimmenverwaltung und Arper des Jupiter 4)
pinbelegung DIN 6pol:
Pin 1 power/15V-
Pin 2 power/15V+
Pin 3 gate
Pin 4 trigger
Pin 5 power/GROUND
Pin 6 your CV
pinbelegung 9pol:
Pin 1 power/15V+
Pin 2 gate
Pin 3 N/A
Pin 4 LED pos.
Pin 5 trigger
Pin 6 power/15V-
Pin 7 power/GROUND
Pin 8 CV
pinbelegung DIN 6pol:
Pin 1 power/15V-
Pin 2 power/15V+
Pin 3 gate
Pin 4 trigger
Pin 5 power/GROUND
Pin 6 your CV
pinbelegung 9pol:
Pin 1 power/15V+
Pin 2 gate
Pin 3 N/A
Pin 4 LED pos.
Pin 5 trigger
Pin 6 power/15V-
Pin 7 power/GROUND
Pin 8 CV
SOUND nice FM vocal sounds, fast percussive sounds and interesting FM reso filter sounds. lots of sounds because its modular.
SOUND breite palette durch modularen aufbau. perkussive und ausgefallene fm klänge, vocal-ähnliche durch filter FM
VERSION the system consists of these "modules"
110 VCO + VCF + VCA Module
112 dual VCO
121 Dual VCFs
130 Dual VCAs
131 Output mixer/oscillator/phones Amp
132 Dual CV/Audio Mixer & Voltage Processor Module
140 dual ENV + CV LFO + Module
150 S/H CV-LFO Noise white/pink ringmodulator
165 Dual Portamento Controller
172 Audio Delay Phaser LFO Gate Delay 173 Signal Gate + Multiple
174 Parametric EQ
182 8step sequencer
Keyboard 184 4xCV poly key + Arper - same as Jupiter 4
Mono CV keyboard 180
Cabinett: 3 (190) or 5 Modules (width) 191j
Basic System Configurations were
Name - Modules
A 110,140 117
B 110,140,150 145
C 110,110,140 152
D 112,121,130,140,150
E 110,110,110,140,150
110 VCO + VCF + VCA Module
112 dual VCO
121 Dual VCFs
130 Dual VCAs
131 Output mixer/oscillator/phones Amp
132 Dual CV/Audio Mixer & Voltage Processor Module
140 dual ENV + CV LFO + Module
150 S/H CV-LFO Noise white/pink ringmodulator
165 Dual Portamento Controller
172 Audio Delay Phaser LFO Gate Delay 173 Signal Gate + Multiple
174 Parametric EQ
182 8step sequencer
Keyboard 184 4xCV poly key + Arper - same as Jupiter 4
Mono CV keyboard 180
Cabinett: 3 (190) or 5 Modules (width) 191j
Basic System Configurations were
Name - Modules
A 110,140 117
B 110,140,150 145
C 110,110,140 152
D 112,121,130,140,150
E 110,110,110,140,150
VERSION bestandteile des Systems (komplett)
110 VCO + VCF + VCA Module
112 dual VCO
121 Dual VCFs
130 Dual VCAs
131 Output mixer/oscillator/phones Amp
132 Dual CV/Audio Mixer & Voltage Processor Module
140 dual ENV + CV LFO + Module
150 S/H CV-LFO Noise white/pink ringmodulator
165 Dual Portamento Controller
172 Audio Delay Phaser LFO Gate Delay 173 Signal Gate + Multiple
174 Parametric EQ
182 8step sequencer
184 4xCV poly key + Arper - entspricht Jupiter 4 alternativ
180 Mono CV keyboard
3 (190) und/oder
5 Module breit (191j)
Es gab diese Konfigurationen zu kaufen:
Name - Modules
A 110,140 117
B 110,140,150 145
C 110,110,140 152
D 112,121,130,140,150
E 110,110,110,140,150
110 VCO + VCF + VCA Module
112 dual VCO
121 Dual VCFs
130 Dual VCAs
131 Output mixer/oscillator/phones Amp
132 Dual CV/Audio Mixer & Voltage Processor Module
140 dual ENV + CV LFO + Module
150 S/H CV-LFO Noise white/pink ringmodulator
165 Dual Portamento Controller
172 Audio Delay Phaser LFO Gate Delay 173 Signal Gate + Multiple
174 Parametric EQ
182 8step sequencer
184 4xCV poly key + Arper - entspricht Jupiter 4 alternativ
180 Mono CV keyboard
3 (190) und/oder
5 Module breit (191j)
Es gab diese Konfigurationen zu kaufen:
Name - Modules
A 110,140 117
B 110,140,150 145
C 110,110,140 152
D 112,121,130,140,150
E 110,110,110,140,150