MC303 groovebox + TR sequencer Roland
Built 1996
Type: groovebox
Hybrid: no
28 Voice / Stimmen
16x Multitimbral
standard Memory / Speicher
Value / Wert in 2017 ca. 200 € (-)
Synthesis: rompler
OSC Features rom sample
Wave Shapes sample
1 OSCs
1 Filter lpf reso 2-4 Pole
2 LFOs sine
1 Envelope Generators simple
MIDI CONTROLLER Control / Triggering
0 Keys with no
Arpeggiator yes
Sequencer TR sequencer
(ID 405)
Type: groovebox
Hybrid: no
28 Voice / Stimmen
16x Multitimbral
standard Memory / Speicher
Value / Wert in 2017 ca. 200 € (-)
Synthesis: rompler
OSC Features rom sample
Wave Shapes sample
1 OSCs
1 Filter lpf reso 2-4 Pole
2 LFOs sine
1 Envelope Generators simple
MIDI CONTROLLER Control / Triggering
0 Keys with no
Arpeggiator yes
Sequencer TR sequencer
(ID 405)

ABOUT if something really defines what a groovebox is, this is it: a tr-chase light sequencer with real simple sound generation for live performance.. performing? .. well, the MC problem is still there: no step edit while playing (others can do it, why none of the mcs?), the mc307 is an extended verson of the MC303 with more rom (16MB) and more voices (64)
ABOUT Groovebox, diese Maschine definiert sicherlich am besten "was ist eine Groovebox". Die mc303 hat durch den Namen natürlich viele enttäuscht, die eine analoge tb303 mit neuen Möglichkeiten erwarteten, es ist eigentlich ein Rompler mit rel wenigen Parametern, die MC307 war eine erweiterte Version mit 64 Stimmen, 16MB rom sounds und
DETAILS the mc303.. ok this needs not to be mentioned.. just a joke.. they tried to re-invent the tb303.. but it was "just" a sample player and a step sequencer (lots of things seem not to be "brained out" because the step mode can only be entered in a special "record" mode and there is only ONE temporary buffer for edits!!! same on newer mc grooveboxes (mc505 , mc307, mc909 all do not provide real time edit of steps.. so you need to get a korg electribe .. strange, huh?) .. so they had to make some more MCs lateron.. most is not really perfect.. and its not analogue sounding.) anyway the beginning of very good composition tools like the korg electribes etc.. keep on reading in the SEQ section!! the mc505 is/has been a quite good extension to the mc303, usable sequencer and jv sound generation (means the standard roland rompler sound - no meant any bad here.. see roland) TR mode and a pattern can be up to 31 measures long.. very good so far and 16 tracks - but even the new mc909 is NOT able to be edited while it runs in play mode.. so: this is designed for "input" only. not for changing on stage any steps as possible in the TR808 or jomox xbase or abnove mentioned electribe.. so this the odd point on the mc303 ,too.. it had a quite interesting and not-so limitied- successor: mc307 (of course same problem see above) but has all nice stuff in for sequencing!.. the mc307 is a "betweener" mc303 and mc505.. the mc909 has samples, velocity sensitve pads (16) and a complete JV section incl USB interface.. very good.. they all seem to have no cool "fast roll/flam" funtionality.. as seen on electribe.. but beside the obove problems the mc series is very good to use.. the sound is average or jv-like. so expect to go along with a nice analogue synth or something.. (nord modular or what you like).. ah: the mc303 is not sounding like a tb303 - but you didn''t expect it to sound like it,do you? *g*
DETAILS technisch ein rompler mit lauflicht-sequencer und sogar arpeggiator.. leider kann der sequencer im laufenden betrieb oder live nicht editiert werden, sonder braucht einen speziellen record mode (temporär im speicher), danach muss er gespeichert werden und kann live dann nurnoch durch mutes und wenigen parametern "performt" werden, das ist ein generelles problem aller MCs, denn leider hat sogar die mc909 dieses problem..
SOUND clubgrooves..
SOUND clubgrooves..
VERSION MC307: more ram, more voices, bigger..
VERSION MC307: größer, mehr ram, mehr stimmen..