Elevata Digital Synthesizer Red Sound

Thx marv42dp 4 EleVAta Synth Pic. (link)
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other REDSOUND gear..
Built 2001
Type: digital
Hybrid: no
16 Voice / Stimmen
8x Multitimbral
standard Memory / Speicher
Value / Wert in 2017 ca. 299 € (rare)
Synthesis: subtractive
OSC Features ring pwm
Wave Shapes square saw sine formant morph waves noise pink white blue
2 OSCs
1 Filter lpf hpf bpf reso 2 Pole
2 LFOs morphable saw square s+h
2 Envelope Generators 2x ADSR
MIDI CONTROLLER Control / Triggering
0 Keys with velocity aftertouch
Arpeggiator yes
Sequencer no
(ID 695)
Type: digital
Hybrid: no
16 Voice / Stimmen
8x Multitimbral
standard Memory / Speicher
Value / Wert in 2017 ca. 299 € (rare)
Synthesis: subtractive
OSC Features ring pwm
Wave Shapes square saw sine formant morph waves noise pink white blue
2 OSCs
1 Filter lpf hpf bpf reso 2 Pole
2 LFOs morphable saw square s+h
2 Envelope Generators 2x ADSR
MIDI CONTROLLER Control / Triggering
0 Keys with velocity aftertouch
Arpeggiator yes
Sequencer no
(ID 695)

ABOUT the exotic EleVAta seemed not to sell so well but it's design was special. the VA in the name refers to the virtual analogue nature of it.
ABOUT Kurz vor dem Ende der Firma Redsound kam der EleVAta auf den Markt. Sein Name enthält VA wie virtual analogue. Er ist doch eher ein Exot geblieben.
DETAILS coloured noise (pink,white,blue), vco1 morphs from saw to pulse, so VCO and LFO got nice morph waves.
DETAILS farbiges Rauschen (pink,white,blue), osc1 erlaubt stufenlosen morph der wellenformen von pulse nach säge.
SOUND the usual, and live, looks interesting, the sounds is subject to discuss..
SOUND das übliche und live, weil kompakt und beknopft und weil er interessant aussieht. Der Klang wird diskutiert..