Modular 100, Modular 300 Modular Synthesizer + analog step sequencer PPG
Built 1975
Type: analog
Hybrid: no
4 Voice / Stimmen
4x Multitimbral
no Memory / Speicher
Value / Wert in 2017 ca. 8000 € (ultra rare)
Synthesis: modular
OSC Features modular
Wave Shapes pulse triangle sine saw noise pink white
999 OSCs
999 Filter lpf hpf bpf notch self reso 2-4 Pole
999 LFOs square triangle
999 Envelope Generators dADSR + ADSR
CV GATE Control / Triggering
61 Keys with no
Arpeggiator no
Sequencer analog step sequencer
(ID 195)
Type: analog
Hybrid: no
4 Voice / Stimmen
4x Multitimbral
no Memory / Speicher
Value / Wert in 2017 ca. 8000 € (ultra rare)
Synthesis: modular
OSC Features modular
Wave Shapes pulse triangle sine saw noise pink white
999 OSCs
999 Filter lpf hpf bpf notch self reso 2-4 Pole
999 LFOs square triangle
999 Envelope Generators dADSR + ADSR
CV GATE Control / Triggering
61 Keys with no
Arpeggiator no
Sequencer analog step sequencer
(ID 195)

ABOUT Wolfgang Palm made his first modular System 100, later the 300 witch was also available with german lettering (strange one ,even for germans). keyboards range up to 4 voices (quadraphonic)
ABOUT Wolfgang Palm baute sein erstes Modularsystem 100, es gab Modell 100 und 300, teilweise in deutsch beschriftet. keyboards bis 4stimmig (quadraphonic)
DETAILS reminds very much of a "german" moog modular system module: dual ADSR (+delay), "moog" ladder filter, dual LFO, Noise + LFO combi, Random VC (S+H), VCF/VC modifier, mixer, sequencer + seq.switch, dual VCA, env follower, multimode VCF 12dB, VCOs (sync + pwm, nice FM)
DETAILS modular system, teilweise an moog erinnernd und mit teilweise deutschen beschriftungen. module: dual ADSR (+delay), "moog" ladder filter, dual LFO, Noise + LFO combi, Random VC (S+H), VCF/VC modifier, mixer, sequencer + seq.switch, dual VCA, env follower, multimode VCF 12dB, VCOs (sync + pwm, nice FM)
SOUND everything exept samples .. basses leads and FX, big and a bit evil sounding (thats how we are in germany), FM-like sounds and sick FX.
SOUND alles, ausser samples !! bässe, leads und FX, sehr fett und auch etwas böse/brachial, FM-artige Klänge und krankes Zeug.
VERSION masses of modules / freely configuarable module: dual ADSR (+delay), "moog" ladder filter, dual LFO, Noise + LFO combi, Random VC (S+H), VCF/VC modifier, mixer, sequencer + seq.switch, dual VCA, env follower, multimode VCF 12dB, VCOs (sync + pwm, nice FM)
VERSION massig module / frei konfigurierbar module: dual ADSR (+delay), "moog" ladder filter, dual LFO, Noise + LFO combi, Random VC (S+H), VCF/VC modifier, mixer, sequencer + seq.switch, dual VCA, env follower, multimode VCF 12dB, VCOs (sync + pwm, nice FM)