a Station , k Station Digital Synthesizer Novation

K-Station pic thx Hinrich Völksen
click image to enlarge - Bild klicken zum vergroessern
other NOVATION gear..
Built 2002
Type: digital
Hybrid: no
8 Voice / Stimmen
4x Multitimbral
standard Memory / Speicher
Value / Wert in 2017 ca. 350 € (-)
Synthesis: subtractive
OSC Features pwm sync soften fm ring
Wave Shapes pulse saw tri double saw double-tri double-sine noise
3 OSCs
1 Filter lpf self reso + overdrive 2,4 Pole
2 LFOs tri sine square saw s/h
2 Envelope Generators 2x ADSR
MIDI CONTROLLER Control / Triggering
25 Keys with velocity aftertouch
Arpeggiator yes
Sequencer no
(ID 315)
Type: digital
Hybrid: no
8 Voice / Stimmen
4x Multitimbral
standard Memory / Speicher
Value / Wert in 2017 ca. 350 € (-)
Synthesis: subtractive
OSC Features pwm sync soften fm ring
Wave Shapes pulse saw tri double saw double-tri double-sine noise
3 OSCs
1 Filter lpf self reso + overdrive 2,4 Pole
2 LFOs tri sine square saw s/h
2 Envelope Generators 2x ADSR
MIDI CONTROLLER Control / Triggering
25 Keys with velocity aftertouch
Arpeggiator yes
Sequencer no
(ID 315)

ABOUT slimmed down versions of the nova series, voice number and size (keyboard) differ. K -Station not multitimbral!! K-Station: no multimode / a-station: no multimode/monophonic
ABOUT abgespeckte Version der Nova-Serie, unterscheiden sich nur durch Form und Stimmenzahl. K-Station nicht multitimbral!! K-station: 8 vox / no multimode - A-station: kein multimode.
DETAILS like nova but slimmed down all the way.. vocoder + FX, filter overdrive.
DETAILS wie nova, aber stark abgespeckt.. es gibt einen filter overdrive. vocoder + FX
SOUND all bread + butter, ambient sounds
SOUND allrounder, speziell ambient sounds sind gut zu machen..
VERSION rack KSR, k-station - (8 voices, no multimode) + keyboard version (KS4,KS5: 4,5 octaves), a-station (no multimode) k-station
VERSION rack: KSR, k-station (8 stimmen, kein multimode) + keyboard version: KS4,KS5 (4,5 oktaven), a-station: kein multi.