Synclavier Digital Synthesizer + advanced sequencer NED
Built 1980
Type: digital
Hybrid: no
128 Voice / Stimmen
16x Multitimbral
standard Memory / Speicher
Value / Wert in 2017 ca. 7000 € (rare)
Synthesis: multi synthesis
OSC Features sample 32-768MB resynthesis additive FM
Wave Shapes samples + sine
999 OSCs
0 Filter
999 LFOs standard
999 Envelope Generators multistage
NO Control / Triggering
61 Keys with velocity aftertouch
Arpeggiator no
Sequencer advanced sequencer
(ID 228)
Type: digital
Hybrid: no
128 Voice / Stimmen
16x Multitimbral
standard Memory / Speicher
Value / Wert in 2017 ca. 7000 € (rare)
Synthesis: multi synthesis
OSC Features sample 32-768MB resynthesis additive FM
Wave Shapes samples + sine
999 OSCs
0 Filter
999 LFOs standard
999 Envelope Generators multistage
NO Control / Triggering
61 Keys with velocity aftertouch
Arpeggiator no
Sequencer advanced sequencer
(ID 228)

ABOUT New England Digital Synclavier - Hi-End Computer System for sampling, 12OP-FM, additive and re-synthesis, at it's time it was one of theee monster systems and tool of the more rich producers and hi-end musicians (from Depeche Mode to Kraftwerk), very nice section in the manual "why the synclavier has no midi"..
ABOUT New England Digital Synclavier - Ein Hi-End Computer-System mit mehreren Syntheseformen, die in teuren Studios und großen Namen genutzt wurde: 12OP-FM, additive Synthese und Resynthese und natürlich Sampling sind möglich, besonders nett ist das Kapitel "warum das Synclavier kein MIDI hat" im Manual..
DETAILS open "modular" system, can be edited via mac (68K Hardware), well, the manual says it has no midi because it is to slow for musical work, anyway it is very flexible and offers 16track HD recording, it is a stand alone system for "everything", like the Fairlight was..
DETAILS offenes "modular" system, kann per mac editiert werden (68K prozessor), nun, es hat kein midi, weil das im Handbuch als zu langsam für sinnvolles musikalisches Arbeiten sei.. dennoch sehr flexibel, inkl 16track HD recording. es war auch als komplettsystem gedacht , was anderes braucht man nicht ..
SOUND well, can I comment on this? for those, who already got everything today.. nice 12OP-FM for complex sounds and resynthesis are still very special..
SOUND sehr teure FM und resynthese-Sounds, sampling .. was für Leute, die schon alles haben *G*
VERSION misc. versions and expansions.
VERSION verschiedene ausbaustufen.