Modular Modular Synthesizer + analog step sequencer Moog

see more moog modular stuff using the link. images: Moog IIIc series
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other MOOG gear..
Built 1964
Type: analog
Hybrid: no
1 Voice / Stimmen
1x Multitimbral
no Memory / Speicher
Value / Wert in 2017 ca. any price, whatever € (rare)
Synthesis: modular
OSC Features modular fm sync pwm ring etc.
Wave Shapes pulse saw sine triangle noise white pink audio
99 OSCs
99 Filter lpf bpf hpf self reso fixed filter bank + more 2-4 Pole
0 LFOs moog uses VCOs with oct=LO setting as LFOs
99 Envelope Generators ADSR
CV GATE Control / Triggering
61 Keys with no
Arpeggiator no
Sequencer analog step sequencer
(ID 90)
Type: analog
Hybrid: no
1 Voice / Stimmen
1x Multitimbral
no Memory / Speicher
Value / Wert in 2017 ca. any price, whatever € (rare)
Synthesis: modular
OSC Features modular fm sync pwm ring etc.
Wave Shapes pulse saw sine triangle noise white pink audio
99 OSCs
99 Filter lpf bpf hpf self reso fixed filter bank + more 2-4 Pole
0 LFOs moog uses VCOs with oct=LO setting as LFOs
99 Envelope Generators ADSR
CV GATE Control / Triggering
61 Keys with no
Arpeggiator no
Sequencer analog step sequencer
(ID 90)

ABOUT well, this is the frist commercial Synthesizer, Bob Moog startet showing it on the AES in 1964 and had some visionary musicians as clients till 1969 when switched on back was released, after that Moog went over to become a real company. this is what a synthesizer is: synthesis = put together. means putting together modules by patch cords, thats the idea.. more on the modular , click the Link..
Moog themselves re-released the System 15, 35 and 55 in their original setup starting at 10k€ - list of modules see below.
Moog themselves re-released the System 15, 35 and 55 in their original setup starting at 10k€ - list of modules see below.
ABOUT Der Modular wurde eigentlich nur 1964 auf der AES vorgestellt, erst etwas später gab es die Systeme, die man heute kennt (I, II, III, IIIc, 15, 35, 55). Bis 1966 gab es nur wenige Kunden, erst ab ca.1969 begann durch Switched on Bach grosses Interesse an Synthesizern und die eigentlich Firma Moog startete dann richtig durch. Natürlich ist die Konfiguraiton der Module frei. Es war das,was ein Synthesizer wirklich ist: Synthese = Zusammensetzen. Einzelne Module erfüllen spezielle Aufgaben und sind durch Verschaltung per Kabel ein Verbund musikalischer Möglichkeiten. mehr siehe Link..
2014 gab es von Moog selbst ein Re-Release der Systeme 15, 35 und 55 (Modul-Liste siehe unten), welche es nun ab 10k€ zu kaufen gibt.
2014 gab es von Moog selbst ein Re-Release der Systeme 15, 35 und 55 (Modul-Liste siehe unten), welche es nun ab 10k€ zu kaufen gibt.
DETAILS there have been quite a lot of moog modulars over time:
* the big series 35 and 55,in wooden case like the one shown below.
* the vinyl cabinet (1 to 3 cabinets) but normally only one: systems 10,12,15
* synthesizer I,II,III,Ic,2c,2p,3c,3p
top luxury of course is the moog system 55.
most important thing:
the moogs use 1V/Oct. CV and SWITCHED TRIGGER. so it is compatible to roland and arp, but you need a small modification to the gate/trigger: the moogs used one kind of plugs for ENV triggering and VCO waveform restart:
europeans like me may only have seen this slightly different for loudspeakers: the jones cinch plug (something that the dinosaurs in the us may have used for phone stuff (!?!?). rare!
* the big series 35 and 55,in wooden case like the one shown below.
* the vinyl cabinet (1 to 3 cabinets) but normally only one: systems 10,12,15
* synthesizer I,II,III,Ic,2c,2p,3c,3p
top luxury of course is the moog system 55.
most important thing:
the moogs use 1V/Oct. CV and SWITCHED TRIGGER. so it is compatible to roland and arp, but you need a small modification to the gate/trigger: the moogs used one kind of plugs for ENV triggering and VCO waveform restart:
europeans like me may only have seen this slightly different for loudspeakers: the jones cinch plug (something that the dinosaurs in the us may have used for phone stuff (!?!?). rare!
DETAILS Es gab verschiedenste Systeme und Modulzusammenstellungen: siehe english..
SOUND well everything is possible.. the moog systems sounds are very high quality: wide, fat, big (if you want it to)..
SOUND ALLES ist möglich! theoretisch natürlich. Die Moog Systeme klingen ausserordentlich gut. breit, fett, wenn man es möchte..
VERSION masses of clones and systems avalable, see the link..
there have been quite a lot of moog modulars over time:
* the big series system35 and system55,in wooden case like the one below.
* the vinyl cabinet (1 to 3 cabinets) but normally only one: system10,system12,system15
* synthesizer I, II, III, Ic, 2c, 2p, 3c, 3p
top luxury of course is the moog system 55.
the system shown here is about the equivalent of a 55..
there have been quite a lot of moog modulars over time:
* the big series system35 and system55,in wooden case like the one below.
* the vinyl cabinet (1 to 3 cabinets) but normally only one: system10,system12,system15
* synthesizer I, II, III, Ic, 2c, 2p, 3c, 3p
top luxury of course is the moog system 55.
the system shown here is about the equivalent of a 55..
VERSION es gibt massenhaft clones und systeme.. modulliste siehe link..