ADX1 Drummachine/Module MAM
DRM1 by Hans (Komons) opened (link)
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other MAM gear..
Built 2001
Type: drum
Hybrid: no
5 Voice / Stimmen
5x Multitimbral
no Memory / Speicher
Value / Wert in 2017 ca. 120 € (-)
Synthesis: subtractive
OSC Features analog drum specialized FM
Wave Shapes drum specific
5 OSCs
4 Filter lpf hpf self reso 2-4 Pole
0 LFOs -
5 Envelope Generators 2x AR 3x D - 3xR
MIDI Control / Triggering
0 Keys with no
Arpeggiator no
Sequencer no
(ID 702)
Type: drum
Hybrid: no
5 Voice / Stimmen
5x Multitimbral
no Memory / Speicher
Value / Wert in 2017 ca. 120 € (-)
Synthesis: subtractive
OSC Features analog drum specialized FM
Wave Shapes drum specific
5 OSCs
4 Filter lpf hpf self reso 2-4 Pole
0 LFOs -
5 Envelope Generators 2x AR 3x D - 3xR
MIDI Control / Triggering
0 Keys with no
Arpeggiator no
Sequencer no
(ID 702)
ABOUT Drum module quite like the Vermona DRM series but a bit more industrial sounding (compared to the more "electro / new wave" sounding Vermona). Has 5 Instruments with full analog sound engine.
ABOUT Drummodul mit 5 Instrumenten und 10 Parametern. Erinnert an die DRM Drummodule von Vermona, die etwas mehr "electro/new wave" klingen, der ADX ist etwas "industrieller".
DETAILS 10 Pots control each instruments sound set, they are all differently layed out and consist of up to 2 filters and FM (FM for perc in the Synth section)
DETAILS 10 Potis pro Sound, enthält pro Drumsound teilweise bis zu 2 Filter, FM wird für Percussion eingesetzt (Synth)
SOUND a bit more "industrial" than the Vermona DRM series.
SOUND Electro Drums, industrieller als DRM von Vermona.
VERSION Different Colour Schemes and Revisions.
VERSION Verschiedene Farben und Revisionen.