M5, M5N Modular Synthesizer Macbeth
Built 2005
Type: analog
Hybrid: no
1 Voice / Stimmen
1x Multitimbral
no Memory / Speicher
Value / Wert in 2017 ca. 3400 € (-)
Synthesis: modular
OSC Features fm filterFM ring pwm sync
Wave Shapes saw pulse tri noise colour
3 OSCs
2 Filter lpf hpf bpf self reso 2-4 Pole
2 LFOs tri saw square
2 Envelope Generators 2x ADSR
MIDI Control / Triggering
0 Keys with velocity aftertouch
Arpeggiator no
Sequencer no
(ID 231)
Type: analog
Hybrid: no
1 Voice / Stimmen
1x Multitimbral
no Memory / Speicher
Value / Wert in 2017 ca. 3400 € (-)
Synthesis: modular
OSC Features fm filterFM ring pwm sync
Wave Shapes saw pulse tri noise colour
3 OSCs
2 Filter lpf hpf bpf self reso 2-4 Pole
2 LFOs tri saw square
2 Envelope Generators 2x ADSR
MIDI Control / Triggering
0 Keys with velocity aftertouch
Arpeggiator no
Sequencer no
(ID 231)

ABOUT quite ARPish look but different in concept and sound: prepatched routings that can also re-arranged by the user, so this is more than "semi modular" synth, it has 2 filters and almost everything you need for a modular system
ABOUT Zwar im ARP-Look aber klanglich eigentständig: Der M5 ist ein Großer! Das Konzept ist: Vorgepatcht und durch Klinkenkabel überbrückbar "semimodular" wäre da untertrieben. 2 filter und schon bei entstehung ein überzeugender Klang. Ken MacBeth ist eine one-man-show , die Qualität des Systems ist sicherlich viel weiter im Vordergrund als Massen.
DETAILS 2 filters - 1 multimode 12dB/oct and 1 24dB/LPF - 2 LFOs , 3 VCOs, Ringmod, 2 ENV (adsr), reminds a lot of a modern ARP2600 since there is also a spring reverb (!!) . but it ISN't an ARP and it is NOT designed to sound like one! the lfos got LAG processors and S&H and all standard waveforms. the final prics is 2847,33 euro in GBP it is 1995 in the UK, in germany I assume a bit more than above since this is only calculated todays (11.11.2004) GBP->EUR price. in fact the germany price is 3490,- !! anywaya modular system with all this as modulles will not be much cheaper and bigger in size.. anyway it has EVERYTHING you need to start with a modular systems.. the mp3s on site sound quite promising in quality.. no idea how fast the LFOs are.. ;) but the ENVs got 3 level speed switch so maybe there is hope for fast envelopes.. there is a seamless slider for noise (white - pink) and some pre-routed sliders for quite some hard patched "cords".. very flexible and very cool starting point to a modular system.. it looks quite ARP'ish but it is not a clone or something.. it is something new, Ken Macbeth simply likes the design.. it has 2 filters . they also sound different.. its really between them all.. 2 LFOs estimated to range to about 20-25Hz.. too slow? well, you got 3 VCOs!! all can mod each other .. very flexible system with lots of pre.routed bidirection mod sliders.. it is LARGE, and you can see what you are doing.. it also has a reverb spring.. shake the system to have industrial noise. S+H and LAG in here, too (!). no problem for FM and filter FM.
DETAILS bidirektionales Modulationskonzept und 2 Filter: ein LPF 24dB/oct LPF und ein Multimodefilter mit 12 dB/oct, Hallspirale und 3 VCOs, die FM tauglich sind, dazu 2 LFOs mit etwa 25Hz max. freq. Ringmodulation und ein Stable-Unstable Regler ist auch mit an Bord. Noise ist stufenlos , icht einfach "white oder pink". Sample + Hold Schaltung und LAGs sind mit an Bord. Also ein Luxusschiff der obersten Klasse, der Preis mag hoch erscheinen, aber ein System mit dieser Ausstattung in Modular dürfte kaum viel billiger sein und so kompakt.
SOUND Effects (based on FM) plus Leads and Basses, everything..
SOUND Effekte und komplexere Klänge, Leads und Bässe, ALLES..