Linndrum Drummachine/Module + real time sequencer Linn
Built 1982
Type: drum
Hybrid: no
12 Voice / Stimmen
12x Multitimbral
standard Memory / Speicher
Value / Wert in 2017 ca. 359 € (-)
Synthesis: rompler
OSC Features sample drums
Wave Shapes 12 drums
12 OSCs
1 Filter lpf 4 Pole
0 LFOs
0 Envelope Generators
NO Control / Triggering
0 Keys with no
Arpeggiator no
Sequencer real time sequencer
(ID 352)
Type: drum
Hybrid: no
12 Voice / Stimmen
12x Multitimbral
standard Memory / Speicher
Value / Wert in 2017 ca. 359 € (-)
Synthesis: rompler
OSC Features sample drums
Wave Shapes 12 drums
12 OSCs
1 Filter lpf 4 Pole
0 LFOs
0 Envelope Generators
NO Control / Triggering
0 Keys with no
Arpeggiator no
Sequencer real time sequencer
(ID 352)

ABOUT sample machine with 35kHz sample rate at 8bit.
ABOUT sample Maschine , Klassiker mit 35khz Samples in 8Bit.
DETAILS 12 instruments, all sampled 8bit, analog sync signals (clock / sync), 2 CEM3320 VCF 1 CEM3360 Dual VCA
DETAILS 12 Instrumente, alle gesampled 8bit, analoge syncanschlüsse. (clock/sync), 2 CEM3320 VCF 1 CEM3360 Dual VCA
SOUND pop drums, a bit like drumtraks (SCI) , or better - the SCI sounds like the Linn.. very dry.. like bones (as we say in germany)
SOUND pop drums, ein bisschen wie drumtraks (SCI), etwas trocken, FUTZtrocken sogar..
VERSION change sounds via Eprom..
VERSION durch Epromwechsel neue sounds..