Linn 9000 Drummachine/Module + real time sequencer Linn
Built 1984
Type: drum
Hybrid: no
18 Voice / Stimmen
18x Multitimbral
standard Memory / Speicher
Value / Wert in 2017 ca. 500 € (rare)
Synthesis: rompler
OSC Features sample drums 8bit
Wave Shapes 32 drums
12 OSCs
2 Filter lpf reso 4 Pole
0 LFOs
0 Envelope Generators
MIDI Control / Triggering
0 Keys with velocity
Arpeggiator no
Sequencer real time sequencer
(ID 353)
Type: drum
Hybrid: no
18 Voice / Stimmen
18x Multitimbral
standard Memory / Speicher
Value / Wert in 2017 ca. 500 € (rare)
Synthesis: rompler
OSC Features sample drums 8bit
Wave Shapes 32 drums
12 OSCs
2 Filter lpf reso 4 Pole
0 LFOs
0 Envelope Generators
MIDI Control / Triggering
0 Keys with velocity
Arpeggiator no
Sequencer real time sequencer
(ID 353)

ABOUT sample machine with 35kHz sample rate at 12bit. 2 filters.
ABOUT sample Maschine , Klassiker mit 40khz Samples in 8Bit. 2 filter.
DETAILS 12 instruments, all sampled 8bit, analog sync signals (clock / sync), midi and smpte
DETAILS 12 Instrumente, alle gesampled 8bit, analoge syncanschlüsse. (clock/sync), midi und smpte
SOUND pop drums, a bit like drumtraks (SCI) , or better - the SCI sounds like the Linn.. very dry.. like bones (as we say in germany)
SOUND pop drums, ein bisschen wie drumtraks (SCI), etwas trocken, Furz-trocken sogar..
VERSION change of sounds via eprom, some versions..
VERSION div. versionen und sound, extern wechselbar (eprom)