m 3 Digital Synthesizer + algorithmic arranger sequencer Korg
Built 2007
Type: digital
Hybrid: no
120 Voice / Stimmen
16x Multitimbral
large Memory / Speicher
Value / Wert in 2017 ca. 3000 € (not rare)
Synthesis: multi synthesis
OSC Features VA sample
Wave Shapes max 64-320MB samples tri saw pulse sine noise + more
2 OSCs + 1 SubOSCs
4 Filter lpf hpf bpf notch self reso morph 2-4 Pole
4 LFOs triangle saw sine square s+h
4 Envelope Generators ADSR
MIDI CONTROLLER Control / Triggering
61 Keys with velocity aftertouch
Arpeggiator yes advanced
Sequencer algorithmic arranger sequencer
(ID 600)
Type: digital
Hybrid: no
120 Voice / Stimmen
16x Multitimbral
large Memory / Speicher
Value / Wert in 2017 ca. 3000 € (not rare)
Synthesis: multi synthesis
OSC Features VA sample
Wave Shapes max 64-320MB samples tri saw pulse sine noise + more
2 OSCs + 1 SubOSCs
4 Filter lpf hpf bpf notch self reso morph 2-4 Pole
4 LFOs triangle saw sine square s+h
4 Envelope Generators ADSR
MIDI CONTROLLER Control / Triggering
61 Keys with velocity aftertouch
Arpeggiator yes advanced
Sequencer algorithmic arranger sequencer
(ID 600)

ABOUT this is the Oasys for everyone incl Kaoss Pad (via touchscreen), Sampling, VA Synth (Al1) , optional complete Radias (with Mod Sequencers inside), Karma 2 for interesting features for interactive sequencing, pads, 3x USB, 2x Firewire for Audio and complete integration via VST plugin., Sampling
ABOUT Eine Art "Volks-OASYS", jedoch nicht mit allen Features, dafür mit optionalem Radias Board und Karma 2, Sampling, Kaoss Pad via Touchscreen, 3x USB, 2x Firewire für Audio (!) und volle TI via VST Plugin., dynamische Pads
DETAILS full VST integration, EDS synthesis like oasys but no wavsequencing / legacy / phys. models (exept via radias / mod sequencers). allows slicing of samples like recycle and put them on the pads / keys, karma 2 allows flexible mods and musical algorithmic sequencing, it's basically 2 filters but each with 2 filters inside (!). stackable structure.
DETAILS ähnlich Oasys, ohne phys modelling, Legacy, wavestation/sequencing (außer via radias mod sequencing) erlaubt slicing a la recylce (sample wird in einzelsamples zerlegt für drumloops), karma 2 frei programmierbare interaktion / algo sequencer. "EDS Synthese", filter sind doppelt, es gibt daher eigentlich 4 filter /2 filter mit 2 filtertypen. struktur ist natürlch layerbar / schichtbar.
SOUND workstation for everything
SOUND workstation, für alles
VERSION 88/76/61 keys, rack - optional radias board
optional add radias or m3 rack onto the bigger versions!
optional add radias or m3 rack onto the bigger versions!
VERSION 88/76/61 Tasten, rack - optional: radias board
weiteres radias oder m3 aufsetzbar auf die großen versionen.
weiteres radias oder m3 aufsetzbar auf die großen versionen.