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  KORG X1, X2 Digital Synthesizer + workstation sequencer by KORG

Korg X1 - X2 synthesizer
no pic of M1,N1,T1,X1 .. rack X3r shown here
Digital Synthesizer
KORG X1 - X2
built in 1994

32 Voices / Stimmen 8x Multitimbral
Memory / Speicher standard
estimated value / Gebrauchtwert 250 (-)
Tech rompler 8MB
workstation digital hybrid tech: no
Waves rom samples
2 OSCs - info © sequencer.de
2 Filter lpf 2 Pole
2 LFOs saw tri square
6 ENVs 2x 6parameter 2x4stage 2x7parameter
Ctrl/Trig midi
76 Keys repond to AT/VEL velocity aftertouch
Arpeggiator no Sequencer workstation sequencer
    © sequencer.de - do not use this on ebay or site without permission/backlink! no copies/derivates/modification! read disclaimer

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 the first real Workstation triggered a lot of other coming Workstations to be released, a synth that has enough voices, FX and a sequencer to make a complete demo plus sampled airy voices that were very new and fascinating at that time. T-series was the same but different key number and ROM size, most models provide 32-64 voices and hit the market in the 90ies, the X Series is a direct later version of the M series but there were bigger keyboards.. 76 and 88 keys)  Die erste echte Workstation, der M1 begr�ndete eine ganze Welle von Synthesizern mit Sequencer und genug Stimmen, um ein komplettes Demo aufnehmen zu k�nnen, inkl. damals sehr beeindruckende R�chelsamples mit an Bord aus dem ROM, die T Serie war einfach gr��er (Tasten) und hatten mehr ROM-Material, die meisten modelle haben 32-64 stimmen und stammen aus den 90ern. Die X Serie ist exakt dasselbe wie die M Serie, es gab nur noch mehr Keyboardversionen..
 16track sequencer and 4MB ROM (M1 ex : 8MB ROM), some FX (2 units) and filters without resonance became studio standard the late 80ies.. 3 complex envelopes (pitch, filter, amp) for 2 layers (thats why it's 2x each env type) , 16x multi when no combi is used.  16spur sequencer und 4MB ROM (M1ex 8 MB) Sounds mit FX aber auch ein Filter ohne Resonanz machten den M1 zum Studiostandard f�r Jahre. die komplexen h�llkurven teilen sich auf ein doppel-layer auf, denn jede der sektionen hat je einen (pitch, filter, lautst�rke), 16 multitimbral (ohne combi mode)
 allround bread and butter stuff. allround brot und butter, r�chelsounds etc
 Rack version with R like : M1R, M1 EX: 8 MB ROM. successor, all the same style.. T1-3, N1-5, N264, N364: more rom and LFO: random waveform, so X,N,T,M series are all the same exept keyboard and ROM size.  Rack version mit R am Ende: M1R, M1 EX: 8 MB ROM. und die komplette Serie: T1-3, N1-5, N264, N364: einfach mit mehr ROM und LFO: random waveform. also X,N,T,M serie.. sonst identisch., tastenanzahlen unterschiedlich

known or written as Keio Organ formerly Univox

Mr Tsutomu Katoh, founder of KEIO
aka KORG = Keio ORGans.

Analogue Trigger Korg: gate pulse in/out 5V negative 5V pos to GROUND
MS-20 and some others are: 'S-Trig' (Moog Type) - Kurzschlusstrigger = to GND = shorting connection.
v-trig also.
Official Int. URL : http://www.korg.com
Korg wurde von Tsutomu Katoh aus Japan gegr�ndet.
Off. URL (D) : http://www.korg.de

about the KORG synthesizer company

READ MORE ABOUT/MEHR @ the oldest site section about Korg X1, X2  

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