DS10 software + step sequencer Korg

MS Korgs on Nintendo DS: The DS-10
click image to enlarge - Bild klicken zum vergroessern
other KORG gear..
Built 2008
Type: software
Hybrid: no
3 Voice / Stimmen
3x Multitimbral
no Memory / Speicher
Value / Wert in 2017 ca. 30 € (-)
Synthesis: subtractive
OSC Features FM
Wave Shapes morph saw triangle square noise white
2 OSCs
1 Filter lpf hpf bpf self reso 4 Pole
1 LFOs tri saw pulse S+H
1 Envelope Generators 1x ADSR
NO Control / Triggering
0 Keys with no
Arpeggiator no
Sequencer step sequencer
(ID 696)
Type: software
Hybrid: no
3 Voice / Stimmen
3x Multitimbral
no Memory / Speicher
Value / Wert in 2017 ca. 30 € (-)
Synthesis: subtractive
OSC Features FM
Wave Shapes morph saw triangle square noise white
2 OSCs
1 Filter lpf hpf bpf self reso 4 Pole
1 LFOs tri saw pulse S+H
1 Envelope Generators 1x ADSR
NO Control / Triggering
0 Keys with no
Arpeggiator no
Sequencer step sequencer
(ID 696)

ABOUT This is running on a Nintendo DS and is not available on Mac/PC.
IT's a sort of MS10/MS20 Mixture, but only GUI-wise. In fact it is two 2x-VCO Synths plus Drums wich are generated from 4 of these Synths with Sequencer - Makes a lot of fun and has even FM (the MS synth never had that). So it's not a real MS synth and sounds different too.
IT's a sort of MS10/MS20 Mixture, but only GUI-wise. In fact it is two 2x-VCO Synths plus Drums wich are generated from 4 of these Synths with Sequencer - Makes a lot of fun and has even FM (the MS synth never had that). So it's not a real MS synth and sounds different too.
ABOUT Eine Mischung aus einem (eigentlich zwei) virtuellen erweiterten MS10 (oder geschrumpften MS20, optisch und strukturell gesehen) und Grid-Sequencern für beide. Dieses Teil hat jedoch 2 OSCs und FM und dazu eine kleine Drumsektion, die 4 solcher Sounds als Drumsound zeitgleich nutzen kann. Ums mal so zu sagen: Die Synthesizer sind eigentlich ohne Verbindung mit MS Synthesizern, machen aber trotzdem Spaß.
Die Plattform: Nintendo DS. Also nicht Mac/PC.
Die Plattform: Nintendo DS. Also nicht Mac/PC.
DETAILS Waveforms are morphed into another from triangle to noise. One Gate and one ADSR envelope like the Roland Alpha Juno had.
DETAILS Wellenformen werden stufenlos gemorph von Dreieck bis Rauschen. 1x ADSR und Gate wie man das vom Roland Alpha-Juno kennt.
SOUND on the go-music & even for recording if you like 8 Bit but it sounds better..
SOUND Unterwegs und sogar ganzprofessionell, klingt nämlich recht gut.
VERSION For Nintendo DS only.
VERSION Nur auf Nintendo.