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 KAWAI K5, K5m Digital Synthesizer

Kawai K5, K5m synthesizer
K5m (rack) thx monolith - Oliver (link)
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other KAWAI gear..
Built 1987
Type: digital
Hybrid: no
16 Voice / Stimmen
4x Multitimbral
standard Memory / Speicher
Value / Wert in 2017 ca. 250 (rare)
Synthesis: additive

OSC Features additive
Wave Shapes sine
64 OSCs
1 Filter lpf + 7band EQ 4 Pole
1 LFOs sine square triangle saw random
5 Envelope Generators 5x 6stage + pitchENV?

MIDI Control / Triggering
61 Keys with velocity aftertouch

Arpeggiator no
Sequencer no
(ID 275)
  deutsch - german
ABOUT first affordable synth that had four envelopes that control a set of additive generators. keyboard has release velocity
ABOUT Der erste erschwingliche additive Synthesizer, der 4 Hüllkurven bot, um sie an div Obertongruppen zu verteilen. keyboard hat release velocity.
DETAILS 4 envelopes can control a group of 128 partial tones (sinus generators), also digital filter + 7band EQ
DETAILS 4 Hüllkurven können einer Gruppe von 128 Obertönen zugeordnet werden, dazu digitalfilter + 7band EQ.
SOUND fascinating "twirling" pads and atmos
SOUND digitale Flächen und interessante "Schwurbelpads"
VERSION K5m: rack / K5 Keyboard
VERSION K5m: rack / K5 Keyboard

KAWAI formerly Teisco

Quite innovative company that also sold under the Teisco label. looks like they do not try to sell synthesizers unfortunately?..

Schon unter dem Teisco-Namen eine nicht uninnovative Firma, leider bauen sie heute keine Synthesizer mehr.

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