String Performer Analog Synthesizer Hohner

pic thanks Till Kopper (link)
click image to enlarge - Bild klicken zum vergroessern
other HOHNER gear..
Built 1978
Type: analog
Hybrid: no
61 Voice / Stimmen
2x Multitimbral
presets Memory / Speicher
Value / Wert in 2017 ca. 180 € (rare)
Synthesis: subtractive
OSC Features subtractive
Wave Shapes saw pulse
1 OSCs
1 Filter lpf reso 2 Pole
1 LFOs not set by user
2 Envelope Generators 2x Release (called Sustain)
NO Control / Triggering
61 Keys with no
Arpeggiator no
Sequencer no
(ID 630)
Type: analog
Hybrid: no
61 Voice / Stimmen
2x Multitimbral
presets Memory / Speicher
Value / Wert in 2017 ca. 180 € (rare)
Synthesis: subtractive
OSC Features subtractive
Wave Shapes saw pulse
1 OSCs
1 Filter lpf reso 2 Pole
1 LFOs not set by user
2 Envelope Generators 2x Release (called Sustain)
NO Control / Triggering
61 Keys with no
Arpeggiator no
Sequencer no
(ID 630)

ABOUT String Machine
ABOUT String Machine, recht einfach aufgebaut.
DETAILS Simple String-Machine, 2 Sections with Release set by user (called Sustain as in most preset sound generators)
DETAILS einfache String Machine, Sustain einstellbar für 2 Sektionen (unabhängig), natürlich ist das eigentlich eher ein Release
SOUND bread and butter, nothing special but nice design.
SOUND Standard Rompler, nichts allzu besonderes.