Electro Comp 101 Analog Synthesizer EML
Built 1972
Type: analog
Hybrid: no
1 Voice / Stimmen
1x Multitimbral
no Memory / Speicher
Value / Wert in 2017 ca. 790 € (ultra rare)
Synthesis: semi modular
OSC Features fm ring / am
Wave Shapes tri-saw-pulse noise
4 OSCs
1 Filter morph lpf hpf bpf reso 2 Pole
1 LFOs saw tri pulse sine etc. (6 waves)
2 Envelope Generators 2x ADS
CV GATE Control / Triggering
44 Keys with no
Arpeggiator no
Sequencer no
(ID 301)
Type: analog
Hybrid: no
1 Voice / Stimmen
1x Multitimbral
no Memory / Speicher
Value / Wert in 2017 ca. 790 € (ultra rare)
Synthesis: semi modular
OSC Features fm ring / am
Wave Shapes tri-saw-pulse noise
4 OSCs
1 Filter morph lpf hpf bpf reso 2 Pole
1 LFOs saw tri pulse sine etc. (6 waves)
2 Envelope Generators 2x ADS
CV GATE Control / Triggering
44 Keys with no
Arpeggiator no
Sequencer no
(ID 301)

ABOUT originally for education purpose (?), well.. in the US? here in europe/germany I did not see too many of them, still.. so all EML is rare "for me at least". Semimodular but no chance to rearrange the modules.
ABOUT Ein Schulsynthesizer für die USA, denn hierzulande eher nicht so oft gesehen. Er klingt jedoch sehr gut, zu gut für ein paar Schüler.. Semimodularer Zugriff, aber kein umarrangieren der Module.
DETAILS ring / am , sample+hold, 1000 made. Morph for filter type (lpf to hpf..) 1972, this was a cool sales rate! has multi mode filter with LPF,HPF,BPF 2 x ADS Envelope 4 Oscs (!) up to 5 Waveforms
DETAILS ring / am , sample+hold, 1000 wurden gebaut. 4 Oscs (!) up to 5 Waveforms, Morph für Filtertypen! (lpf bis hpf..)
SOUND bass, leads, fine FX and sweeps etc..
SOUND bass, leads, feine sweeps, FX etc..