Spectrum Synthesizer Analog Synthesizer E and MM

E&MM Spectrum Synthesizer
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other E AND MM gear..
Built 1979
Type: analog
Hybrid: no
1 Voice / Stimmen
1x Multitimbral
no Memory / Speicher
Value / Wert in 2017 ca. 600 € (rare)
Synthesis: subtractive
OSC Features FM sync (seamless) pwm ring
Wave Shapes pulse saw noise white tri + special saw
2 OSCs
1 Filter lbp lpf bpf self reso 4 Pole
1 LFOs sine saw tri square random
2 Envelope Generators 2x ADSR
CV GATE Control / Triggering
49 Keys with no
Arpeggiator no
Sequencer no
(ID 641)
Type: analog
Hybrid: no
1 Voice / Stimmen
1x Multitimbral
no Memory / Speicher
Value / Wert in 2017 ca. 600 € (rare)
Synthesis: subtractive
OSC Features FM sync (seamless) pwm ring
Wave Shapes pulse saw noise white tri + special saw
2 OSCs
1 Filter lbp lpf bpf self reso 4 Pole
1 LFOs sine saw tri square random
2 Envelope Generators 2x ADSR
CV GATE Control / Triggering
49 Keys with no
Arpeggiator no
Sequencer no
(ID 641)

ABOUT Very flexible Synth a bit reminding of Steiner Parker Synthacon with lots of modulation routings was a DIY project by E&MM = Electronics and Music Magazine.
ABOUT Sehr vielseitiger DIY Synthesizer, der eigentlich von einem Magazin (eben E&MM = Electronics and Music Magazine) stammt.
DETAILS nice machine with nice features like FM on VCOs and cool routings, sync can be controlled from soft to hard.
DETAILS Sehr interessantes DIY Projekt mit vielen netten Dingen wir FM und Modulation. Auch nettes Design. Sync kann von weich bis hard stufenlos eingestellt werden, es gibt mehrere FM / sync-Modi.
SOUND almost everything, nice Filter sound.
SOUND Alles, interessanter Filterklang