GDS, Synergy Digital Synthesizer Crumar
Built 1982
Type: digital
Hybrid: no
32 Voice / Stimmen
16x Multitimbral
small Memory / Speicher
Value / Wert in 2017 ca. 2300 € (ultra rare)
Synthesis: multi synthesis
OSC Features FM Phase mod feedback noise
Wave Shapes sine + xx
2 OSCs
0 Filter
1 LFOs saw square ?
64 Envelope Generators 64x multistage
NO Control / Triggering
74 Keys with velocity
Arpeggiator no
Sequencer no
(ID 447)
Type: digital
Hybrid: no
32 Voice / Stimmen
16x Multitimbral
small Memory / Speicher
Value / Wert in 2017 ca. 2300 € (ultra rare)
Synthesis: multi synthesis
OSC Features FM Phase mod feedback noise
Wave Shapes sine + xx
2 OSCs
0 Filter
1 LFOs saw square ?
64 Envelope Generators 64x multistage
NO Control / Triggering
74 Keys with velocity
Arpeggiator no
Sequencer no
(ID 447)

ABOUT Crumar (by Mario Crucianelli) from italy and the us-company digital keyboard developed the GDS (general development system) and the smaller synergy offspring to work with a Kaypro computer (old!! vintage!!) - DK Synergy Synthesizer a digital Synthesizer that could only be programmed via a Kaypro Computer attached to it. The Kaypro was a quite "normal" Computer at that time, today it is very exotic of course.. well, in fact it is made by DK, "Digital Keyboards" , when you really edit it's sound there will be much more interesting than those presets - it's sounds can be additive and some phase chancellation effects and feedback for the Oscs (the secret weapon). the synergy has 24 memories. it's been said the Synergy / Synergy II is a Crumar Product.. plus DK and the Kaypro was available in about 1984 to create feedbacks and multi synthesis stuff. the synergy was the smaller "more preset" kind of synth without the kaypro (by Alan Kay) 8bit computer , CP/M OS Z80 2.5Mhz, 64KB ram - 160 x 100 Pixels - some keywords: GDS / Digital Keyboards / Synergy / Mulogix
ABOUT Crumar (Crucianelli, Mario, ital.) und digital Keyboards (usa) entwarfen gemeinsam das GDS (general development system) und den synergy (den kleineren Bruder) muss man leider aber mit einem hoffnungslos alten Computer editieren, dem Kaypro. Das System ist schwer in nur eine Synthese zu stecken, Feedbacks, FM und Phasenverschiebung.
DETAILS 64 envs for amp and pitch, multitimbral rotating voices (like 4voice) and unisono mode, reminds of DX 6OP FM Synths but has special feedback OSCs, phase variations and additive / FM kind of stuff via computer with its 32 Oscillators.
DETAILS 64 envs für amp + pitch, Stimmen können multitimbral rotiert werden, unisono mode. Synthese ist eine Mischung mit abgefahren klingenden Feedbacks zwischen Oszillatoren (32 an der Zahl), Phasenverschiebungen und additive und FM artige Möglichkeiten. immernoch sehr interessant, erinnert aber klanglich am ehesten an 6 OP FM Synthesizer..
SOUND bizarre digital synth sounds
SOUND abgefahrene digitale und "bizarre" sounds..