DS2 Analog Synthesizer Crumar

Crumar DS-2 as green version, normal it is red.
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other CRUMAR gear..
Built 1978
Type: analog
Hybrid: no
1 Voice / Stimmen
1x Multitimbral
no Memory / Speicher
Value / Wert in 2017 ca. 250 € (-)
Synthesis: subtractive
OSC Features pwm
Wave Shapes pulse tri saw noise pink white
2 OSCs
1 Filter lpf reso 1-4 Pole
2 LFOs saw square staircase s+h
2 Envelope Generators 2x ADSR
CV GATE Control / Triggering
44 Keys with no
Arpeggiator no
Sequencer no
(ID 307)
Type: analog
Hybrid: no
1 Voice / Stimmen
1x Multitimbral
no Memory / Speicher
Value / Wert in 2017 ca. 250 € (-)
Synthesis: subtractive
OSC Features pwm
Wave Shapes pulse tri saw noise pink white
2 OSCs
1 Filter lpf reso 1-4 Pole
2 LFOs saw square staircase s+h
2 Envelope Generators 2x ADSR
CV GATE Control / Triggering
44 Keys with no
Arpeggiator no
Sequencer no
(ID 307)

ABOUT Crumars duophonic Synthesizer has also a very simple poly section. CruMar = Crucianelli, Mario the founders name (italy).
ABOUT CruMar ist mit dem DS2 eigentlich ein Doppelsynthesizer gelungen, er enthält eine polyphone sehr einfache Sektion. Duophon. Der Name Crumar ist einfach die erste Silbe des Nachnamen und Vornamen des Erbauers Mario Crucianelli
DETAILS Crumar ds2, 2 LFOs and lots of features, it is... "digital" (means: DCO, it is not true that it's signal flow is completely VA)!! yes!! but has a lot of nice features like the LFO2 staircase waveform.
DETAILS vollpolyphone string sektion, dazu 2 LFOs mit stufenwellenform (!) (bei LFO 2), ungewöhnlicher Bend-Hebel.
SOUND bass + fx, strings
SOUND bass + fx, strings