XWP1 Digital Synthesizer + TR sequencer Casio
Built 2012
Type: digital
Hybrid: no
64 Voice / Stimmen
8x Multitimbral
standard Memory / Speicher
Value / Wert in 2017 ca. 555 € (-)
Synthesis: subtractive
OSC Features sync pwm sample
Wave Shapes samples ram square saw sine noise
8 OSCs
2 Filter lpf hpf bpf self reso 4 Pole
12 LFOs sine triangle square saw s+h
18 Envelope Generators 18x 9multisegment
MIDI CONTROLLER Control / Triggering
61 Keys with velocity aftertouch
Arpeggiator yes
Sequencer TR sequencer
(ID 802)
Type: digital
Hybrid: no
64 Voice / Stimmen
8x Multitimbral
standard Memory / Speicher
Value / Wert in 2017 ca. 555 € (-)
Synthesis: subtractive
OSC Features sync pwm sample
Wave Shapes samples ram square saw sine noise
8 OSCs
2 Filter lpf hpf bpf self reso 4 Pole
12 LFOs sine triangle square saw s+h
18 Envelope Generators 18x 9multisegment
MIDI CONTROLLER Control / Triggering
61 Keys with velocity aftertouch
Arpeggiator yes
Sequencer TR sequencer
(ID 802)

ABOUT After 30 years of silence in the synth field Casio came back with 2 new synths. It has not a CZ or VZ synth and it is not based on PD or iPD synthesis.
It starts with layering 6 samples and a classic subtractive synth. the very big thing in here is the TR-style step sequencer.
part of it is the monophonic virtual analog synth.
Upload your own samples via usb.
You have about 300 user rom samples for the synth (OSC).
It starts with layering 6 samples and a classic subtractive synth. the very big thing in here is the TR-style step sequencer.
part of it is the monophonic virtual analog synth.
Upload your own samples via usb.
You have about 300 user rom samples for the synth (OSC).
ABOUT Nach 30 Jahren bringt Casio wirklich Synthesizer auf den Markt. Sie haben nichts mit den PD oder iPD Synthesizern der CZ/VZ Serie zu tun sie basieren auf Sampling und klassischen subtraktiven Mustern an. Die Stärke ist das Schichten von Samples und der Step-Sequencer im TR-Lauflicht Stil.
Monophoner "Virtuell Analoger" Synth.
eigene Samples via USB ladbar.
etwa 300 OSC-Wellenformen für den Synth im ROM.
Monophoner "Virtuell Analoger" Synth.
eigene Samples via USB ladbar.
etwa 300 OSC-Wellenformen für den Synth im ROM.
DETAILS there's 8 layers, organ, 6 sample layers and the mono synth.
battery compartment.
pitch, filter, amp got envelopes on all sections except organ. so it makes 18 total.
envelopes are init time, attack time & rate, decay, sustain level, release time & level 1 and 2
battery compartment.
pitch, filter, amp got envelopes on all sections except organ. so it makes 18 total.
envelopes are init time, attack time & rate, decay, sustain level, release time & level 1 and 2
DETAILS Es gibt einen Orgel-Layer, 6 für Samples und einen für den Monosynth.
hüllkurven für jede Abteilung (Pitch, Filter, Lautstärke), also 6x Sample (Hex Layer genannt) und Monosynth. ergibt 18.
sie bestehen aus: init time, attack time & rate, decay, sustain level, release time & level 1 und 2, also keine level-rate, sondern eine vergrößerte klassische Hüllkurve.
hüllkurven für jede Abteilung (Pitch, Filter, Lautstärke), also 6x Sample (Hex Layer genannt) und Monosynth. ergibt 18.
sie bestehen aus: init time, attack time & rate, decay, sustain level, release time & level 1 und 2, also keine level-rate, sondern eine vergrößerte klassische Hüllkurve.
SOUND very big sample pads, also good for drum performance because of the good step sequencer.
SOUND breite Sample-Flächen, Drums und Sequenzen mit Performance am TR-Sequencer!