Odyssey Analog Synthesizer ARP

the ARP2800 (Odyssey) synth versions family
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other ARP gear..
Built 1972
Type: analog
Hybrid: no
1 Voice / Stimmen
1x Multitimbral
no Memory / Speicher
Value / Wert in 2017 ca. 1500 € (-)
Synthesis: subtractive
OSC Features ring pwm sync FM filter-FM
Wave Shapes pulse saw sine triangle noise white pink
2 OSCs
1 Filter lpf self reso + static HPF 2 or 4 Pole
1 LFOs sine square
2 Envelope Generators 1xADSR 1xAR
CV GATE Control / Triggering
37 Keys with no
Arpeggiator no
Sequencer no
(ID 167)
Type: analog
Hybrid: no
1 Voice / Stimmen
1x Multitimbral
no Memory / Speicher
Value / Wert in 2017 ca. 1500 € (-)
Synthesis: subtractive
OSC Features ring pwm sync FM filter-FM
Wave Shapes pulse saw sine triangle noise white pink
2 OSCs
1 Filter lpf self reso + static HPF 2 or 4 Pole
1 LFOs sine square
2 Envelope Generators 1xADSR 1xAR
CV GATE Control / Triggering
37 Keys with no
Arpeggiator no
Sequencer no
(ID 167)

ABOUT classic minimoog opponent, more flexible (s+h), sounds more "analytic". duophonic. ARP synthesizer (Alan Richard. Pearlman) ARP Odyssey 1972 / ARP Avatar 1977 .. DAF and Conny Plank (known for producing Can,Kraftwerk, DAF etc.. in Düsseldorf/germany) used it (with a korg MS20) .. it has fast envelopes and was some sort of competition for the minimoog.. it had indeed more features than the mini. there have been versions with 12dB/oct LP-filters, later versions were equipped with 24dB/oct filters!! also the color has changed (white and black). also the tune potentiometer is only one option: other versions had 3 white "proportional switches" 2 OSCs and an LFO, S/h (lag time but no sample time slider as on the roland sh5) also a non VC-able HPF is there like on some rolands. versions: the first version odyssey I was 12dB/oct, white and "golden" versions, after that also "golden"/black was the 2810 (odyssey II) first with pitch knob, later with propotional control pitch like the one here on the pic on the right, the later III model was equipped with 24dB/oct LPF and golden/black design, later models known as odyssey III were black with orange letters. ARP had internal numbers for the odyssey series since the filter module changed and the proportional control and pitch knob.. also good for percussive sounds.. want to mod your "ody"? CMS offers a modification (same for the avatar, which is in fact an odyessey without keyboard): there are a lot of mods possible with the ody/avatar , even for DIY: accellerate/slow down speed of the lfo, speed up the envelope, add inverted envelope (it's already there!! you only need a switch to route it), filter mod (3 resistors and one condensator to change here.. to widen the filter freq range), bridge the hpf or reduce it's bypassed "bass killing" effect, and more waveforms to route (cms also offers to convert some waveforms and adds a 12dB/oct filter!). and all modularized by adding nice jacks for outside communication. if you are in love with your soldering iron, it can be done in 1hour. but there is CMS, if you don't dare to to that yourself. octave made the "cat" that is very close to the odyssey (and went to court!) strangely the VCO waveforms are switched at the mixer section.. most illogical? no this price goes to the yamaha cs30 where you need to forget all concepts of synthesizer panel designs ;)
ABOUT Klassiker von ARP, Hauptkonkurrent zum Minimoog, etwas flexibler aber auch etwas neutraler im Klang "analytischer". duophonie.
DETAILS 2 VCOs and quite slow LFO, Filter was 12dB/oct first, later (Ody II) were 4pole (not switchable), lots of modifications to filter and control over time, internal name 2800. LFO can trigger ENVs (each) and can be mixed into audio signal, OSCs allow LO-mode. ARP Trigger info: gate pulse in/out 8-10V GROUND to positive.
FM is also possible, but a bit hidden behind the SH Mixer label in VCO2 the "Mix" of the SH-Mixer can be used as a Mod source.
FM is also possible, but a bit hidden behind the SH Mixer label in VCO2 the "Mix" of the SH-Mixer can be used as a Mod source.
DETAILS 2 VCOs und ein rel. langsamer LFO, Filter war früher 12dB/oct, später in Modell Odyssey II 24dB/oct. es gab mehrere Modifikationen, Interner Name: 2800. LFO kann im OSC eingemischt werden und ENVs triggern (einzeln). OSCs können langsam geschaltet werden (als LFO).
2800 ca1972-1975, filter 4023
2810 ca1975-1976 filter 4035
2810-2813 / 15 (?) 1976-1978 filter 4075
2820-2823 1978-1981 filter 4075
Der Odyssey kann auch FM herstellen, denn sowohl das Filter als auch VCO2 hat einen FM Eingang über die Quelle "S/H Mixer". Was dort anliegt, kann weiter geleitet werden.
2800 ca1972-1975, filter 4023
2810 ca1975-1976 filter 4035
2810-2813 / 15 (?) 1976-1978 filter 4075
2820-2823 1978-1981 filter 4075
Der Odyssey kann auch FM herstellen, denn sowohl das Filter als auch VCO2 hat einen FM Eingang über die Quelle "S/H Mixer". Was dort anliegt, kann weiter geleitet werden.
SOUND very big in sound, more neutral / analytic than moog. Basses and Percussion.
SOUND sehr breiter guter Klang, fett und breit und neutraler / analytischer als zB Moog. Fette Sounds sind kein Problem für ihn. DAF nutzten ihn gern.
VERSION lots of Versions: first one 2-pole Filter, later ones (Odyssey II) with 4pole Filters, pitch knobs were replaced by proportional Control later.. Colours: white and black (with orange or golden)
VERSION Viele Versionen! erste mit 2pol-Filter, spätere mit 4pol (Odyssey II), div Änderungen auch beim Pitch-Knopf, der einer Sensorsektion namens Proportional Control wich. Mehrere Farben (Schwarz mit goldener Schrift, mit oranger Schrift und weiss mit dunkler Schrift).