Minisizer Modular Synthesizer Anyware

Tinysizer Prototype, March 2010
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other ANYWARE gear..
Built 2016
Type: analog
Hybrid: no
1 Voice / Stimmen
1x Multitimbral
no Memory / Speicher
Value / Wert in 2017 ca. 400 € (-)
Synthesis: modular
OSC Features hard sync FM pwm ring
Wave Shapes sine pulse triangle saw noise white
1 OSCs + 2 SubOSCs
1 Filter lpf self reso 4 Pole
2 LFOs square saw triangle
2 Envelope Generators 1x ADSR 1x AD
MIDI CV GATE Control / Triggering
0 Keys with no
Arpeggiator no
Sequencer no
(ID 890)
Type: analog
Hybrid: no
1 Voice / Stimmen
1x Multitimbral
no Memory / Speicher
Value / Wert in 2017 ca. 400 € (-)
Synthesis: modular
OSC Features hard sync FM pwm ring
Wave Shapes sine pulse triangle saw noise white
1 OSCs + 2 SubOSCs
1 Filter lpf self reso 4 Pole
2 LFOs square saw triangle
2 Envelope Generators 1x ADSR 1x AD
MIDI CV GATE Control / Triggering
0 Keys with no
Arpeggiator no
Sequencer no
(ID 890)

ABOUT like the Tinsizer this is really small and handy - new patchable concept of a modular synthesizer.
1 OSC, 2 ENVs (ADSR,AD), Moog-style ladder filter, 3 VCAs, MIDI, 6 jacks for interfacing with “the world”,
24 Knobs, 143 Patch Points
6 Waveforms, 2 AC/DC coupled lin/exp ctrl, PWM, sync,
noise generator (white)
ring modulator
2 LFO & inverter,
1 more inverter, clipper
1 OSC, 2 ENVs (ADSR,AD), Moog-style ladder filter, 3 VCAs, MIDI, 6 jacks for interfacing with “the world”,
24 Knobs, 143 Patch Points
6 Waveforms, 2 AC/DC coupled lin/exp ctrl, PWM, sync,
noise generator (white)
ring modulator
2 LFO & inverter,
1 more inverter, clipper
ABOUT Wie der Tinysizer - aber kleiner.
Er ist etwa so groß wie eine Hand (eine schmale wie meine).
1 OSC, 2 ENVs (ADSR,AD), Moog-style ladder filter, 3 VCAs, MIDI, 6 jacks for interfacing with “the world”,
24 Knobs, 143 Patch Points
6 Waveforms, 2 AC/DC coupled lin/exp ctrl, PWM, sync,
noise generator (white)
ring modulator
2 LFO & inverter,
1 more inverter, clipper
Er ist etwa so groß wie eine Hand (eine schmale wie meine).
1 OSC, 2 ENVs (ADSR,AD), Moog-style ladder filter, 3 VCAs, MIDI, 6 jacks for interfacing with “the world”,
24 Knobs, 143 Patch Points
6 Waveforms, 2 AC/DC coupled lin/exp ctrl, PWM, sync,
noise generator (white)
ring modulator
2 LFO & inverter,
1 more inverter, clipper
DETAILS 1 OSC, 2 ENVs (ADSR,AD), Moog-style ladder filter, 3 VCAs, MIDI, 6 jacks for interfacing with “the world”,
24 Knobs, 143 Patch Points
6 Waveforms, 2 AC/DC coupled lin/exp ctrl, PWM, sync,
noise generator (white)
ring modulator
2 LFO & inverter,
1 more inverter, clipper
- sequencer of same size 2x8 steps can be attached as well (400€)
24 Knobs, 143 Patch Points
6 Waveforms, 2 AC/DC coupled lin/exp ctrl, PWM, sync,
noise generator (white)
ring modulator
2 LFO & inverter,
1 more inverter, clipper
- sequencer of same size 2x8 steps can be attached as well (400€)
1x 24dB/Okt. Moog-style Ladderfilter,
3 VCAs,
6 Buchsen Anschluss an die Außenwelt
24 Knobs,
143 Patch Points
6 Waveforms, 2 AC/DC coupled lin/exp ctrl, PWM, sync,
Noise Generator (white)
Ring Modulator
2 LFO & inverter,
1 more inverter, clipper
ein Sequencer kann für 400€ angebaut werden (gleiche Abmessungen - etwa Hand-groß) - mit 2x8 Steps.
1x 24dB/Okt. Moog-style Ladderfilter,
3 VCAs,
6 Buchsen Anschluss an die Außenwelt
24 Knobs,
143 Patch Points
6 Waveforms, 2 AC/DC coupled lin/exp ctrl, PWM, sync,
Noise Generator (white)
Ring Modulator
2 LFO & inverter,
1 more inverter, clipper
ein Sequencer kann für 400€ angebaut werden (gleiche Abmessungen - etwa Hand-groß) - mit 2x8 Steps.
SOUND very percussive sounds, pads, leads, basses, experimental
SOUND sehr perkussive klänge, flächen, bässe, Experimentelles.
VERSION Tinysizer: larger, more modules
VERSION Tinysizer: größer