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 AKAI AX60 Analog Synthesizer

Akai AX60 synthesizer

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other AKAI gear..
Built 1986
Type: analog
Hybrid: no
6 Voice / Stimmen
2x Multitimbral
standard Memory / Speicher
Value / Wert in 2017 ca. 666 (ultra rare)
Synthesis: subtractive

OSC Features pwm FilterFM
Wave Shapes pulse saw noise
1 OSCs
1 Filter lpf reso + static hpf 4 Pole
1 LFOs ?
1 Envelope Generators 1x DADSR

MIDI Control / Triggering
61 Keys with velocity aftertouch

Arpeggiator no
Sequencer no
(ID 288)
  deutsch - german
ABOUT Akai did real nice analog synths those days, this one has knobs but 6 voices "only" compared to the AX60..

Cool: special 13pin-connector to feed the Akai samplers (S612, S700, X7000, S900, S950) in as a 2nd VCO!

allows sort FM
ABOUT Akai hat wirklich gute analoge Synthesizer gebaut, hier sehr übersichtlich mit Reglern, kleiner Bruder des AX80.

Cool: Anschluss eines Samplers (S612, S700, X7000, S900, S950) als 2.VCO (spezieller 13-Pol Anschluss) möglich.

Erlaubt eine Art Pseudo-FM "VCO Mod", wie auch der VX90.
DETAILS the AX60 is a quite un-juno'ish" 1-OSCed synthesizer but reminds of junos here and there (not sonically) - the AX60 is the smaller and knobbed 6voices version of the ax80 (8voices).. of course it lacks the cool "kenwood" kind of display but has knobs.. ;) it has 1 LFOs and ENVs dedicated to the filter and each of the 1 VCOs, there is Xmod and a subOSC in there ,too.. also a "roland" type hpf (non dynamic, resonance-less), the first VCO has PWM. if you find an ax60: you might prefer it, because it has sliders instead of the (cool) display bar graph.. split function. both have midi but no SysEx implementation, so no sound dumps. built in 1985/86

AX80 very nice display. Hardware: 6 CEM3394 uP Voice Akai AX-60 uses 2xMN3101 and 2xMN3009 for it's chorus.
DETAILS Hardware: 6 CEM3394 uP Voice Akai AX-60 uses 2xMN3101 and 2xMN3009 for it's chorus.

FM Sounds machbar (trotz nur 1 VCO) via FilterFM.
SOUND nice pads and basses. rich overtones, nice filter-FM metallic stuff
SOUND schöne pads und bässe. obertonstarke Sounds, Filter FM-Metallsound sehr interessant

AX-60 AX-60 synthesizer

AX-60 AX-60 synthesizer IMAGE

AKAI known or written as Akai Professional

Akai company whose white faced samplers (s-series) early synths (AX/VX) moved the world. the other big thing is and was the MPC which was basically made by Roger Linn.Founded by Masukichi Akai 1929

the company was given "to the chinese" in times of the AX Synths, so it's quite long ago.

Akai belongs to the inMusic group (USA) along with Alesis, Numark, ion…

Official Intl. Site :

Kaum einer kenn nicht die berühmte S-Serie Sampler des Herstellers mit weissem Rack-Gehäuse, sie waren der Verkaufsschlager der 80er und in wirklich jedem Studio zu finden, wirklich innovativ waren sie aber eher mit der MPC und einigen Synthesizern (AX und VX Serie und speziell dem VX600), jedoch hatten sie beim Verkauf der Synthesizer nicht so viel Erfolg. Gegründed von Masukichi Akai.

Akai gehört heute zur inMusic-Group, USA, wie Alesis, Numark, ion

Offizielle Site (D)


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