Xth Sense body sound amplifier controls sounds, apps (open source)
Du wolltest immer mal in deinen Körper rein hören und damit „Sachen“ steuern? Das geht. Die Sounds können aber auch genutzt werden um per App wiederum Synths zu steuern (oder was auch immer man will) – und es ist Open Source.
Blutstrom Körpersound to Audio to Synth Converter – oder „sowas ähnliches“ …
Xth Sense is an open source „hackable“ audio amplifier that can give these to an app and can control synths
the hardware:
the app:
so it is sort of a playground for experiencing the own body as a dancer, explorer, for entertainment..
and as a musician to control your super expensive synths as well as your standard stuff ..
this is ONE thing how it may sound – or possibly this is how it sounds..
let the signal run through your veins – t.v.o.d..
coming summer 2015. ‚
and here’s something nerdy, just because it is fun to look at..