
Livid Minim: Mini Wifi Controller

Livid has posed a crowdfunding which has already hit the goals – it’s a cell phone sized controller with pressure sensitive buttons and touch-LED-slider. it’s connected to iPads or Computers via WiFi – no cable needed. Livid hat ein kleines Wifi Kickstarter-Projekt gestartet, das Ziel ist bereits erreicht, ein kleiner Handy-großer Controller mit druckempfindlichen Pads und einem LED-Touch-Slider. Keine Kabel – die Verbindung funktionier via WLAN.

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Yosemite updates to 10.10.1 / iOS to 8.1.1 – both well recommended – sollte man installieren!

Since Yosemite wasn’t perfect on WLAN speed and iOS 8.XX needed some tweaks – now / today there’s both and I‘ recommend to install both – it’s about reliance on and with everything over „the air“. It has fixed a little start-problem with Safari on my Mac Pro, while the MBP has been ok before – but both feel a lot faster when it’s about things on the internet (WLAN/Wifi) – so they finally found the bugs. ios is just a bit fast on older devices – which is welcome.…

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KissBox Network/WiFi to MIDI to CV – the missing link

  Never been „cheap“ but it has always been the missing link between MIDI, WiFi and now – Analog CV – it’s now another nice and smart box that brings iPads, Computers and CV together without MIDI – and note – you could also control any analog gear via iPad it also has Envelopes and LFOs and assigns 8 voices to it the Kiss Box was made to attach any controller to Hardware MIDI without true need of a computer in between. but it can be configured via Plugins/Computer but…

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